Jun watched him carefully. He seemed to be relaxing into the groove of having a normal conversation. She began to wonder if he'd ever done this with a person before or if he was winging it. Did he have friends outside of school or was he always relying on his siblings. She scrunched up her nose a little at the mention of his favorite color. Sure yellow had it's moments like sunshine or a hair color, but she couldn't help but think of bananas. "Did you know yellow is a color associated with hunger? Remember that when you drive around in your little yellow automobile," she said trying to think of her own favorite color. She had always been a fan of the pastels, or something of the purple variety, but lately she's found herself leaning towards more darker tones. Her clothes and personality screamed that she could be bubbly but at the end of the day when she went home everything seemed to be more...,"Gray," she said with a little sadness in her voice, "I'm in a gray phase. As for candy....," she hesitated a moment. The last time she ate candy was when she was 5 years old. Before her parents began their tiffs. "I don't very much like candy. It's too sweet. I'd take a soft pretzel or maybe french fries over candy. I have very unhealthy eating habits." She pulled herself from her mind as she looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost time for their last period of the day and it was a class the two shared together. Part of her wanted to skip it an just sit and talk to him. Learn what made him tick and what made him smile. What he liked and what he couldn't stand. The crevices of his mind called her name and she wanted to keep digging until there was no more for him to share. She wasn't sure why she was so intrigued by this boy. She couldn't figure out why she was seeking his attention the way she was. She had never wanted to know someone. Never wanted a friend. He was different though. "I like when you smile. It makes your eyes do this little crinkle and it's very endearing," she said aloud instead of in her head. Her cheeks burned red and put a hand over her face cursing herself under her breath. [color=8882be][i]"How could you be so stupid! You're going to scare him off! Why am I nervous? Why do I want to be his friend so damn badly?!"[/i][/color] she thought to herself as she groaned a little.