There were many stories in the annals of the Empire about the heroic charges of the Reiksguard. Hilde had read some as a girl and more in the convent. Illicit manuscripts were a common item of contraband among girls who found their calling for less than religious reasons, but to read about a thing, and to see it, were two very different experiences. The sheer mass of armored men on horseback could not be conceived of, glancing blows from the big armored destriers smashed beastmen to piles of blood and bones. The snapping of lances was like lightning, showering the battlefield with splinters and crimson droplets. Hilde saw a plate armored horse rear up and smash the ribcage of a horse faced monstrosity to ruin. The beast men were in a ragged pursuit rather than in anything that resembled ranks and the knights went through them like wind through the grain. Swords and axes flashed in the dull light. Voices shrieked warcries mad inarticulate by closed plate helmets. Hilde pressed herself against the tree, a pistol in each hand. She wished Cedric had not charged off like a damned melodrama hero. It seemed just as likely that he would be ridden down by accident than that he would be saved. As quickly as it had begun it was over, the beasts had far outpaced their armored warriors and were no match for the knights. Those that could turned and fled into the thicker trees where pursuit would be impossible. A beastman's first instinct was to find safety in the dark forests of the world. Hilde quickly tucked the silver flask back into her pouch and tied it shut. Her mind raced, trying to adjust to the fact that she wasn’t going to be slaughtered and eaten, or worse. Before she could make much sense of it an armored figure loomed out of the mist. She instinctively swung her pistol to bear before realising that the figure was mounted on a great horse and his armor was embossed with the flaming hammer of Sigmar. He leveled his sword at her before judging her to be a friend. [b]“Please,”[/b] she croaked holding her hands in the air, [b]“Water..”[/b] [@POOHEAD189]