Looking over at Drago, it was easy to tell that Qetesh was not pleased with the command that he had dared to try and give her. "Primitive brute," she snapped as she glared across the meeting room at him. "You would dare to speak to a god in such a manner? I will not still my tongue simply because it offends your unrefined sensibilities." That said, she fell silent for the lack of having anything else to say at the moment. "I'm afraid I can't do that," Ba'al added with a smug grin of his own as he relaxed in his seat. "She is as much a ruler of the Empire as I am, and I doubt I could silence her even if I wanted to." It was nice to have an external foe such as this, someone who could focus his wifes energies into combating. Rather than, well, himself. With that said though it didn't take long for the meeting itself to begin, some Imperium diplomat calling the whole thing to order so they negotiations could begin in earnest. At the same time some other guys showed up, punctually late as if that would impress people at all. Which Ba'al wasn't, and he did his best to ignore the Outliners and their volatile representatives. As best he could anyway. Qetesh was a bit less successful in that. "Hmph, what an intriguing little creature," she noted aloud. "I'm sure Nirrti would love to get her hands on one for some of her experiments." Did Eto really think that she could insult or threaten a Goa'uld without repercussions? As if. Nonetheless, the two of them paid attention to the conversation as well, and the Outliners initial suggestions. It was interesting, though there were several other things that would need to be handled at the same time. "The Goa'uld Star Empire will be claiming possession of the Southern Hemisphere of Arcadia," Ba'al said before glancing across the table to the Outliners. "We would also like to discuss access to orbit as well as the rest of the Solar System." He was well aware of the space based nature they had, and if he could counter that then so much the better. That said, he then addressed the initial proposal. "While your proposal may have merit, how do you plan to enforce any sorts of limitations on the usage of the Terminals, much less come up with effective limitations on them in the first place? I will certainly not be allowing foreign oversight of the usage of the resources within my territory." [@thewizardguy][@Savato][@Absolis][@Pirouette][@Wraithblade6]