[hr][hr] [center][color=LightPink][h1]Syleste Astrea Nioré[/h1] [img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Syleste%20Niore%20-%20Gif%2002_zpsto4fnwrf.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Red Lake Music School. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Cleo D'Nile ([@Damo021]), Kim Hansson ([@Zhaliora]). [b]Songs:[/b] None.[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] The room seemed to stay quiet apart from their gentle breathing; in… out… in… out… Had she really managed to catch Cleo [i]that[/i] off guard that it had rendered her speechless..? If she had, well… it was certainly a feat that not many were able to perform- the very thought had the corners of her lips turning up in a rather happy smile as she turned her attention back down to the piano she still sat in front of, her touch soft… almost delicate as she lightly pressed down on a key or two, causing the stray notes to fill the air and float about. This was where she was happiest- where nothing in the world could bother her… that was unless the crowd grew large enough that it made her nervous and she froze up like she normally did… A quick jab of pain seemed to shoot through her very being at the idea of being stuck, frozen and unmoving in front of so many people; friends, family and strangers all laughing at her as she just sat there staring at the ivory keys like the idiot that she was… The sound of a new voice filling the room from somewhere behind her caused her to shake her head lightly from side to side, ridding herself of that particular train of thought as she turned her attention back and over her shoulder, her bright though slightly cloudy baby blue eyes lingering unseeingly in the direction she thought the new-comer to be standing in- grandfather..? She didn’t mean Erik… did she..? [color=LightPink]“..it’s okay; I-… I think I know who you’re talking about- Erik Hansson, right..?”[/color] Tilting her head ever so lightly to the side, Syleste smiled warmly… lovingly, her bright eyes soft and full of compassion and admiration as her mind wandered back over the memories she had of the man in question- he had been so kind… never once treated her differently from any of the others; and taught her so much more that she could have ever thought he could… [color=LightPink]“..he’s actually the one who taught me to play Clair De Lune in the first place- I used to sit and listen to him play it; and one day when he was practicing, he brought me up to the piano and began teaching it to me… it’s one of my favorites…”[/color] Pausing for a moment, she brought her attention back down to the keys, the tips of her fingers lightly gliding over them back and forth a couple of times before eventually, she let her hands slip, bringing them both down to rest in her lap, [color=LightPink]“..I was sorry to hear of his passing; though… it is nice to finally meet you, Kim- he spoke of you often, and very fondly. He told me so much about you; I was beginning to wonder if we would ever meet.”[/color]