[quote=@Hawksnest565] Aya could see plenty of Broms whom she didn't recognise, which was unsurprising given her tendency to keep away from the border before she met Destin. Speaking of the ocelot shifter, as far as she could tell he was nowhere to be seen. He of course could be in one of the tents. It was unlikely that he'd be let loose in the territory at this stage. "How do we find Destin?" She whispers to Sacha and Kianna. [/quote] Sacha hesitates. "Aya, can you fly over the camp and look for him without being seen?" She whispers. "See if you can get close enough to the Healer's tent to look inside. But do not be seen." She orders, dropping down to land next to Kianna. "I want you to keep watch for anyone nearing the camp from the forest."