Cerdic was hauled to his feet by two Knights, the man slick with the blood of mutants and Beastman. They got him to his feet with a none-too gentle yank, but he didn't care. They were allies at the moment, as far as he was concerned. The Knight astride his powerful warhorse held his sword pointed towards Hilde a moment longer, before roaring an order for his men to clear the area for any more monsters. He sheathed his unbloodied sword, and lifted his Sallet helmet to reveal a handsome, albeit aging face. His powerful beard had refined streaks of silver to accentuate the black of his hair. "Commander Gilbrecht Egling of the Order of the Red Sun, at your service." he said, his voice cultured. Cerdic was pushed out into the open to stagger beside Hilde, his breath coming in rasps and his face still streaked with filth. "Sergeant Cerdic." the man said, still catching his breath. "We were with a caravan of troops that were ransacked by Chaos spawn. Not just these Beastman either. There were demon champions with them." The news, coupled with Hilde's begging for water, had Gilbrecht's eyes widen. "Get them up on the horses. We ride back for Castle Geweiht!" he called out, and soon shouts began to fill the air as the men who had circled the tree line fell back into formation. The Commander took Hilde himself, hauling her up upon his charger. "Fear not m'lady, we'll get you some food and water post haste." His next words were powerful. "We ride!" The Reikland Knights began their gallop, wading through the forest with surprising accuracy and speed. It was barely an hour later when they burst out of the mist like terrifying apparitions on Geheimnisnacht. Before them was a classic stone Caslte nestled into the side of a stout, tree covered mountain. The walls were thick and taller than two horsemen stacked atop one another. Patrols strode to and from behind the wall's parapets, and one man called out that the Commander and his Knights were approaching. The Gates began to open inexorably as men pushed with all of their might. The horsemen trotted in, and halted in the small courtyard. It was a place of dirt and haystacks, with a small armory and smith to the back left, and various doors lined the inner walls that led into the halls of the fortress. "Water!" Gilbrecht cried out. "Fetch some water!" As he called, there was a peasant woman already hustling over with a ladle of clear water, handing it to Hilde. Cerdic and the Knight he rode with almost tumbled off the horse, the Sergeant was so exhausted. A few of the knights laughed at the spectacle, but the one he rode in with cursed him for a fool and a churl. [@Austronaut]