Conversation was difficult during the ride. Commander Egling sat Hilde infront of him on his powerful warhorse. If the beast minded the extra weight it showed no sign during the gallop. Hilde found the position uncomfortable, the knight’s arms encircled her waist which made it impossible for her to use her weapons. Given the choice between discomfort and spending the night in the forest with Shyalla knew what she was happy enough to be carried like a sack of grain. [b]“I said did that … soldier assault you my lady?”[/b] Hilde blinked she had not realised the Knight had been speaking and he was clearly repeating himself. Even once the words registered they were so absurd it took her a moment to make sense of them. [b]“What? Uh no, he saved me, back at the ambush,”[/b] she explained as the terrain forced a brief slowing in the punishing pace. [b]“Ah,” [/b]Egling muttered non comittally. Hilde thought she understood, it was unusual for a woman to carry weapons in the empire and any woman alone in the company of soldiers might rightfully be concerned. [b]“Captain Hollerman, Claus Hollerman, hired me on as a scout six months ago,”[/b] she explained. Shyalla grant that Claus had died of his wounds before the beastmen overran the caravan. He had been a good officer and hadn’t held her gender against her like many of his men. He always gave her the impression that he wished she would do something else but was happy to have her if she insisted on playing at being a soldier. [b]“So those weapons are yours?”[/b] the knight asked. There was a definite hint of disapproval in his voice. Hilde chose to offer no response because at that moment they broke through the fog and cantered into the castle the knight had spoken of. It had the look of a place that had been well built, a long time ago, and recently repaired, the thatch on the outbuildings was very fresh and the equipment she could see was in fine condition. Egling called for water and a pock marked peasant woman appeared with a wooden ladle. Hilde drank greedily and then wriggled free of the surprised knight’s grip. Her legs flexed unsteadily beneath her as she half staggered across the courtyard to a large wooden bucket that had been drawn from the nearby well. Without ceremony she plunged her head into the bucket drinking greedily and letting the water sluice away the blood dirt and powder residue. She felt her dry lips crack and knew they would be bleeding tomorrow if she didn’t find beeswax. Only once it felt like her belly would burst did she lift her head from the bucket, letting the water run down her neck and body, her sodden hair clinging to her neck. [@POOHEAD189]