[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] As far as this spin off, how would it work? would it be like a forza horzion sort of festival RP? [/quote] I was gonna send you this PM way earlier, but I felt it was more than a bit insensitive to ask so much of you right after the loss of a job. I had some ideas along the lines of : [hider=The PM that was never sent]Hey there. Was gonna ask you way earlier, but education always has its ways of getting my ass at the most opportune of moments. I figured that a more laid-back RP was in order for summer stress (two words that should never be together, but it's happening) relief, though I wasn't too sure how to go about it. Are returning players going to get bored of the same urban sprawl? Are the venues getting too familiar? Is there any need for incorporating elements for Sky Warriors? Most importantly : Do we need more excuses for bikinis and speedos? Assuming any of the three are answered with a yes (bikinis and speedos are a [i]must[/i]), then an alternative city may be in order. Ideally, I was thinking about a town that doubles as the nest for a bunch of high-end retreats, allowing guests complete freedom to roam and interact with the locals and each other. Business between the different companies hosting these retreats is active, but takes a light-hearted backdrop with staff and amenities constantly trying to one-up each other with new additions and events. We can expect these businesses trying to steal customers from different retreats by hosting different events and treating their own guests to the letter with whatever is within the budget the guest can pay out, creating incentives for plenty of hangouts to be had between players. It'll probably feature a few characters from Shine City, given the respective players' permissions as inhabitants to the island, and anybody can alternatively create staff member characters or townspeople. Ideally, it would be that all characters (staff, townspeople, guests) are date-able, but that usually is dependent on the player who owns the character.[/hider]