Cerdic was half on his knees, pushing himself up off the ground unsteadily. He swayed and nearly swooned, before pointing to the peasant woman to fetch him some water as well with a rough order. He had quite the barbaric look about him, and the woman skittered over to follow his request, much to the chagrin of Gilbrecht, who eyed the woman murderously. As she hustled over to the water, she passed by a soaking Hilde and fetched a bucket. A man richly dressed with the fashionable clothes of a scribe strolled out of one of the back doors. He carried a quill and parchment with the same sense of duty as a man might wield a sword, his nose up in the air for all to gaze upon. "Herr Garmmenn" Commander Egling said, dismounting his horse. A ruddy faced young squire who looked normal in every way save him missing one arm, was already leading the charger away with his remaining hand. "Report. What has she found about the cargo?" The man halted, and haughtily eyed a dripping Hilde and Cerdic who was currently guzzling a bucket of water, soaking his broad chest as half of the bucket's contents spilled down his body. "Speak!" Gilbrecht ordered, drawing Vitus Garmmen's gaze back to his superior officer. "My Lord, it seems the...specimens are healthy, and the time is almost nigh. However, there are a few complications." "Get the witch. Meet me in the great hall within the hour." he said, his hands behind his back and his armored chest out. "Yes, my Lord." the scribe said, giving a bow before making his way back inside. The Commander turned and waved to Cerdic. "See to it this...Imperial soldier is given food and a bed." he ordered. Two servant men hustled out and motioned for Cerdic to follow. He gave a glance to Hilde, and then dropped the bucket unceremoniously, following in their footsteps. [@Austronaut]