Cerdic found himself in a surprisingly well furnished room. He could tell off the bat that this Commander Egling thought very little of him. He supposed that there were no quarters for someone the man might particularly disdain, and at the end of the day, he couldn't dishonor himself by making a fellow Imperial sleep on hay without food or water. It took very little time to be provided with some mutton, and he began eating it as soon as he had it in his hands. "Thank you, frauelin" he said to the servant woman, who didn't answer him. She simply hastened out of the room and left him to his own devices. He ate heartily, before wiping his face and mouth with a cloth they had provided for him. He grunted, and then sighed, extremely weary from all that had happened. The bed under his rump felt soft and inviting. The Sergeant decided he would take a small nap, but not before he found the Commander again and let him know the true danger that was out there. He pushed out of his room, and stalked down the hallway, passing by 2 Men-At-Arms walking side by side. He didn't know the layout of the castle very well, but from how it looked outside, as long as he turned right he'd make it close to the great hall. And by Sigmar he was right. But he didn't expect to see a woman in the great chamber. [@Austronaut]