Check out the game Dominions 4 [@TheDuncanMorgan]. It has a nation called Caelum. Winged humanoids with daevas as their ancestors. They have a sacred infantry that willingly give up their ability to fight, to be able to fight in formations and get a reinvigoration effect since they don't need to pump blood into the wings anymore. I mention Caelum because of aesthetics. You should check them out. Also Nazca, same species but heavily inspired by Inca and death worship. They carry their honored dead on palanquins. ----------- C-tis, herbivorous lizardmen that form kingdoms led by lizard kings. Mighty priest kings who excel in combat and wear dapper as f'k robes. They have heavy infantry with scale mails whom fight with dual falchions or spear shield. Depending on the era they have chariots, massive sacred bipedal alligators known as sobeks and armies of mummies. Sure they are not fitting for the things you mentioned, but it's great inspiration. Here's an online program where one can see all the stats and descriptions of the units. And if you like turn based nation sims, don't miss out on dominions. While it can be a bit tricky to get into, the game has LOADS of lore and one can do loads of funky spells and combos. Anyway, i can think about the things you wanted some inspiration on. I could throw some things together. Perhaps.