[h2][color=gold]Kaiser Oblivion[/color] - Gourd Lake[/h2] As Denys and the punk spoke, the two noticed someone. 5 someones, to be exact. Oddly dressed, the lot of them. They wore hypodermic needles and canisters upon their skintight suits. It was hard to hear them, due to the distortion from their helmets. But Denys could hear that they were young women, like the girl by his side. He strained his ears to listen in, catching a few words. Adam, Rapture, Splicer, but most importantly, Spear Pillar. That could be his link to the Holy Pillar, and his ticket to the past, or future if he had traveled backwards. The Kaiser began walking towards the suited women, one of them leaped, high into the air, before casting a few fire spells upon the shack that the Marine had been inhabiting. Denys quickly blocked a flying chunk of building with his claymore, before shouting [color=gold]"Everyone! To my side!"[/color] in a commanding tone. This thing, whatever it was, could cast magic very quickly. If they wanted a chance at succeeding, they would need to work together. As the girl next to him asked him what to do, The Kaiser's leading skills took control. [color=gold]"Can you lift that building? The knight would be a great boon. For now, Henry and I will hold this one off."[/color] He said, before calling to the mage. [color=gold]"Henry! The fire caster!"[/color] Denys didn't get a chance to rest after he had fought the knight, and neither had Henry, so they were both presumably lower on Magic than usual. Denys would wait before casting another spell, since he could only cast about 6 more before running out of juice. For now, Denys simply charged at the thing, sword still drawn, ready to dodge. He needed to bait out an attack, see what this thing was capable of. [hider=Mentions] [@Lugubrious], [@Royzooka], [@Prince of Seraphs] [/hider] [hr] [h2][color=ed1c24]Red [/color]- [color=007236]Hyrule Field[/color][/h2] Red watched in horror as the previously normal guard began to do strange things, before his appearance began to morph. Parts of him fell away, barely constrained in the first place it seemed, to reveal a shambling corpse. His voice cracked just like his skin, and the lines between living and dead began to melt into each other. As the man repeated endlessly, and shambled towards Red, she took a small step back in fear, before steeling herself. It was her job to release this man from the Process's grasp. Red firmly planted her feet into the ground, Crashing the thing, hopefully knocking it down. After that she would attempt to execute it with a Breach, whether it was still standing or not.