To give you an idea of what this character will bring, here are the Skills and Gear section of Jacen Kane. [b]Gear:[/b] •Cybernetic Nueral Implant: Located within the parietal lobe and connected to the frontal and temporal lobe, this implant affects many different skills of Jacen's, such as the speed of his problem solving ability, arithmetic, and tactical thought, while also allowing him to store and process far more information than any average human. Beyond that, the implant also allows him to interact with hardware and software wirelessly within fifty meters, which does include hacking at extremely rapid speeds. [b]Skills:[/b] Due to his studies, Jacen has a high level of understanding in the fields of biology and human anatomy, which, along with his study of computer engineering, makes him a useful resource for cybernetic human augmentation. This knowledge, along with his vast access to various resources, allows him to provide many pieces of personal equipment, not only to himself, but the team as well, with each working to fill any purposes they might need. [b]Rumors:[/b] -There are those who know the name Jacen Kane and whisper in secret that he may be behind the disappearance of the heroes, possibly to study their abilities and the sources of such powers or skills. -Whether among friends or those who watch from a distance, people have always speculated about what genetics might have been used to engineer Jacen. Lex Luthor, Superman, Wonderwoman, and Batman have all appeared in the mix, as well as many other heroes, both old and new.