[center][h1]Fukushima Miyoko[/h1][h3]Student Council President[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZMqvvAW.png[/img] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [/center] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Miyoko is an unending bundle of energy and friendliness. Her peers are often amazed by her vigor and enthusiasm during activities. She enjoys social interaction, an all around people person. Her outgoing personality when combined with her resourcefulness eventually led to her being nominated as student council president, a position that she was completely fine with. It served as a medium for her to channel her energy into. Miyoko tends to shy away from violence and conflict but is able to become pragmatic if needed, known to swiftly end conflicts among fellow students. Miyoko could be said to be a very pure individual. Her kindness hides no ulterior motives, she simply enjoys helping others. A rare breed indeed. [u][b]Biography and Family History:[/b][/u] Fukushima Miyoko is a direct descendent of the Seienkyū, a once powerful family of Onmyōji, mages who specialized in the Thaumaturgical Theory of the Onmyoudou, Houjutsu. During its time, the Seienkyū family was rumored to be capable of vanquishing [i]Monstrous[/i] class creatures, a feat that would require one to be as strong as some of the lesser heroes from the throne. Though this was never proven, it does however, suggest how powerful the Seienkyū were. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, the Seienkyū went into decline. The advent of a new age and subsequent increase in human population, led to a decrease of the beasts and creatures that terrorized them. Onmyōji were no longer needed and the Seienkyū family completely vanished by the time industrialization happened during the Sengoku era. Miyoko is (or was) unaware of the existence of mages and supernatural beings. Though she did know of her blood ties to the Seienkyū, she had dismissed it as nothing more of a exaggerated story passed down by her predecessors. She has never performed magic in her life, neither does she have any knowledge of how to. Her induction into the was the result of her discovering forgotten antiques in her house due to her recent moving into Fuyuki City from Misaki Town. The 'antique' being a box containing scrolls describing how to create the magical circle required to summon a Servant as well as the catalyst to summon the legendary Sun Wukong, a torn part of the cape that the Monkey King once wore. It was done merely out of curiosity, but the grail reached out to her call, activating her magic circuits and summoning the might Monkey King Servant as well. [b]Origin and Elemental Affinity:[/b] Unknown. [b]Number of Magic Circuits and Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b] Unknown. [b]Magic Circuit Switch:[/b] Unknown. [b]Magecraft:[/b] None. [b]Mystic Codes and Equipment:[/b]None. [u][b]Non-Magecraft Related Skills:[/b][/u] Social Butterfly - [i]Miyoko has connections with what seems to be everyone. [/i] First-rate Cooking -[i] What would a beautiful and kind girl be without the art of cooking?[/i] [hr] Blah. Was initially gonna go for a kiritsugu styled female chinese assassin but decided eh, something more mundane would be better. Too many fate roleplays with over the top characters. Mundane for the win!