[center][hider=My trainer (Not finish yet)] Trainer Name: Donna Riverwell [img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/51866320/original.jpg[/img] Appearance: She is tall, skinny red haired girl, her hair is always on ponytail. She looks older than most of her aged and is usual assumed to be adult. She wears a top, white pink hoodie, skirt and white leggings. Age: 16 years Gender: female. Personality: She is calm, little shy, hard working, Kind but hot-headed, so you don't want to angry her. She have his own mind and don't easely give up. She don't want to admit it, but he easely get herself in problems too. Thought she is good listener, and can try to help others, but hates to be bossed around. She is somewhat hard to get close with and even her closes friends have hard time to understand her sometimes. Hometown: Goldenrod city, Johto. Background: She is born and lived her whole life to the Goldenrod city. She is always been very close to the pokemons, because her mother was pokemon nurse and father pokemon researcher. At a little kit she was always playing with pokemons, which was catched by her father, time when he was still travelling young trainer. For years Donna was talked about her dreams about adventures to catch pokemons and challenge gyms. Her father knowed this and told her a lot about Isson region, where he was lived three years, when he was studying to become a researcher. On her 16 birthday her father gived her a ticket to Isson region to begin her journal as she wanted. Two days on boat, she at last arrived to the Isson region, where she got to meet the professor. She got her pokedex and her first own pokemon, Vulpix. Kind of Pokémon you like: She likes most pokemons, but favor a fire-type. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Secretly wants to be a - [She is still looking what she really want to be,but she really loves to be with pokemons. So probably something where she can be close to them] Really good - [She loves to drawn, Listening music, but have no talent to play any instruments.] Terrible at - [Making food, she is just horrible at it.] Has a phobia for - [She kind of fear spiders and bugs] Items: 1x Potion. 1x antidote, 1x Lemonade Pokédollars: 500p. [hider=Wish pokes] Pikachu Eevee Dratini Marill Zangoose [/hider] [/hider] [hider=poke partner] Pokémon Name: Flame [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/4167c74a2dc784fb6a86400a3278de62/tumblr_nt94o6T0xq1r8sc3ro1_500.gif[/img] Appearance: She wears a small pink ribbon Species: Vulpix Gender: ♀ Personality: She is like her trainer in a pokemon form. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: She likes to dance and loves to listen to music. Level: 5 Moves: Ember, Tail whip Ability: Flash fire, Powers up fire-type moves if hit by a fire move Held Item: 1x Antidote [/hider][/center]