[@Keyblade87] ... Ah. Um. This might be my own fault for not specifying it. However, you receive your Pokémon blank. This means no held items or TM moves. Also, Brick Break is way too powerful a move to start with anyway. Maybe I'll be nice and give you Rock Smash early on if you don't want to wait to actually get a Fighting type move, if I feel like it. XD The background ends with him running out to find his father. This kind of leaves a gap between where you're running to your father to tell the news and now when you're in Pureplain to actually receive the Pokémon. Shall we assume Reiji told him and then traveled via Route 14 on a boat to Highhill Town and then went to Pureplain by Route 1? Sounds like the most reasonable to me, you could definitely get a ride as a resident of Lakewatch. Also, Kalmia being your mother's friend is a totally extremely legit reason to be given a Pokédex. Approved. Also, I suddenly realized. My Pokémon Character Sheet did not require you to place the typing of the Pokémon. I didn't realize until I wondered if Riolu also was steel-type as his evolution but couldn't actually check the CS for it. Since I know almost all types by heart, it must have slipped my mind. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Lasrever][@Eklispe][@Delta44][@Pyromaniacwolf] Can I bother you all with approved characters to update your Pokémon Character Sheets to include typing right below gender or wherever you feel like? XD Edit: Oh, and Key here's the ninth person I mentioned in a previous post. That makes us full.