Name: Dick Grayson Age:16 Gender:Male Hero/Villain name:Robin Good or Evil?:Gooooodddd Origin/backstory: Blah, blah, blah, he was in the circus act known as the Flying Graysons... Blah, blah, his family fell to their deaths during a trapeze "accident" when he was only 9 years-old... Blah, blah, Bruce Wayne took him into his home so Dick wouldn't turn out the same way he did... Boom, Robin. Height:5'9" Pets: None.... Yet...XD Powers/skills/abilities/weapons: Thanks to the good ol' Dark Knight, Dick Grayson has gone through intense body conditioning to have it reach it's peak. His speed, stamina, agility, strength, all close to near-perfection for the human body. He is also a trained martial artist, acrobatic, and marksman. AND ON TOP OF IT ALLLLLL...Dick Grayson has great deductive reasoning, is a master hacker, a strategic planner, and can understand and speak a number of different languages. I think that's about it. AS FOR HIS WEAPONSSNSSSNSNSNS: BATARANGS, BOLAS, FLASH GRENADES, GAS PELLETS, GRAPPLING GUN, LOCKPICKS, KNIFE, PERISCOPE, REBREATHER, AND A TASER Job (if any):NONE Mentor:BATMAN Home Planet:EARTH Personality: HMMM, I don't know, I'm not good with this. I think he feels a lot of weight on his shoulders, having to live up to someone like Batman. XD He tries to take on the same sort of role, being sort of driven and focused towards his goals, but he still has a joking, friendly sort of character, contrasting greatly to, well, you know. *COUGH* *COUGH* I don't want to do this. ;_; Weakness: Robin is still a human being, and so, is subject to anything that could harm a human being. XD He also has the weakness of not being a very good team-player at times. Having worked with Batman for so many years, he forgets that not everyone's going to pick up on the subtle clues and commands relating to his next movement. Often times seemingly disappearing without a word to the rest of the team. UHHH, Robin can also sometimes get overconfident in his abilities, which could end up leading to a downfall, or three. XD Strengths:Go back up to 'powers' Looks:[img][/img] Crush/gf/bf/spouse:No Team affiliation: The Team Family (if important): ;_; Anything you'd like to add?: Nah, fam Other: I love myself.