[quote=@BlueSky44] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/system%20updates_zpspaunlhbp.png[/img][/center] [b][color=6ecff6]Season:[/color][/b] Summer [b][color=6ecff6]Number of Days Since Game Start:[/color][/b] 1 [b][color=6ecff6]Time Of Day:[/color][/b] 9:00 pm [b][color=6ecff6]General Ambiance:[/color][/b] Recovery [b][color=6ecff6]Location: [/color][/b]Level 1 [hr][hr] People are scattered throughout the first level. A message that was sent to every player listed how many players had died. So far, the total was 287 dead by the end of the day. [@Morose] Kirito looks at Kyasarin, and nods. He looks over at the clock, and then back at her. [color=00746b]"Well, maybe. I'll think about it. Meet me downstairs tomorrow, it is too late to do anything outside of the town anyway."[/color] Kirito says, and heads back out of the room, leaving you by yourself. [@alexfangtalon] The Beta Testers nodded. Instead of the leader, the girl in the group spoke to you. [color=blue]"We understand. So far, it seems that if we want to survive this and get everyone out of here, we need to all work together. We plan on getting a large group of people together to try and take on the boss here on floor 1."[/color] she said, and looked back at the others, they just nodded. She looked back at you, [color=blue]"I've also noticed that we have been rude and haven't introduced ourselves. I am known as Alyn, the leader is Gerey, the youngest of us is Cyne, and the other one is Robern."[/color] she said, pointing out each one in turn. [color=blue]"What kind of plan were you thinking of when you approached us to ask about ours?"[/color] [@Sodium] A red haired man and a few other players walked into the inn and sat down at a table near you. The man looked like he was the leader, he was a little nervous but mainly he stayed calm. The rest of his group seemed to be freaking out, scared even. The red haired man notices you, and gives a grin. [img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire3/85615c4420e983e2d851e5bdfe44d5601444073652_full.jpg[/img] [color=f26522]"Hey, you look like you need someone to hang with. Why don't you come join us?"[/color] he asks, waving you over. [@BlueSky44][@Jedly][@Morose][@sMoKe] The boars charge at you. Each one trying to impale you with its tusks. The first one charges at Starkette, with Stone standing behind her to help. Starkette manages to take care of the boar before she needs Stone's help, but not without taking some serious damage, she is now very low on health. Another charges at Jace and Janelle, they work together, switching out with one another. The dispatch the boar, but Jace took damage from the fight. Janelle jumps over to help Campanella while Jace was finishing off the boar, and switches when Campanella starts looking tired. The work together to defeat the boar, but both of them took damage. Campanella was seriously hurt from trying to take on the boar himself before Janelle stepped over to help. With the fight over, and the next town is within sight, you continue on your way, some more of limping than walking. Somehow you manage to make it to Tolbana Town. What do you do, there aren't any other players in the town besides you.