Okay, this took way too long to finish, so sorry. I said I would get a CS, so here it is. [hider=Martin Price] Name: Martin Price Appearance: [hider][img]http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M452bc0d8e4295b905b6eb0ce7bc7259eH0&w=218&h=299&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0[/img][/hider] Age: 14 Gender: Male Personality: Martin has always considered himself a team player. He doesn't mind who's in charge, as long as everyone gets along. he often finds himself trying to act as a peacekeeper between conflicts. He generally dislikes people who are rude, mean, or tries to bully others. He prefers to stand up to them directly, even against the odds. If you aren't on his bad side, hes nice and polite to everyone he meets. Even going as far as giving to others if they need it. Hometown: Goldshire Town Background: Born in Goldshire, Martin was always a kid of low income. Team Valor always claimed the money contained there was for a grand purpose, but they were just bullies in his eyes. Everyone here worked hard to get by and here they come stealing whatever they want. He hated it, but it's not like he could take them all on at once. With the general mistrust of Pokemon, everyone just had to wallow in the filth of their beloved town. Poison types flocked to the poisoned land. It was no surprise when rumors of a far away city was starting up the trainer thing, did Martin immediately jump at the chance. It was the farthest possible distance, but he had to do something. Sitting around here wasn't helping anyone. He had a mission, to become a trainer and give back to the town he came from. Preferred Types: Bugs, Ghosts, and Poison. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Not so secretly seeks to bring Team Valor to justice. Is good at identifying poisonous fruit and common methods to cure them. Terrible at handling high stress situations. Will take others burdens as his own to help people. Items: 1x Potion Pokédollars: 500p [/hider] [hider=Nincada] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/normal/nincada.png[/img] Species: Nincada(♂) Type: Bug/Ground Personality: (Naughty: ATK up, SP.Defense down) Nincada is always looking to get into trouble. Whether it be getting in peoples faces or stealing hats from other people. Always is seeking to prove something when in a battle. Quirks/Talents/Aspirations/Other: Always making some type of noise. Hope to one day make it's noise into a song. Enjoys the feeling of being in trouble. Level: 5 Moves: Scratch, Harden, Leech Life. Ability: Compound Eyes (Increases accuracy of moves.) Held Item: [/hider]