[@Flamelord][@Savato][@Absolis][@Pirouette][@Wraithblade6] Great. The Alliance had arrived. At least the representatives looked fairly normal, other than the giant red dude. Malden Arus sighed as the Outliners representative felt the need to poke fun at the others. Luckily there were no violent repercussions, and the discussion remained relatively civil. His face belied none of the fear he felt wrenching at his gut as he once more spoke up, now specifically addressing the Speaker, in the vain hope that ignoring Eto would cause her to cease existing. "The terminals are indeed an important strategic asset, but the imperium considers interactions on this world to bear priority for the time being. The Terminals do not appear to be responsible or directly connected to the anomaly bringing individuals to Arcadia, and therefore bear no direct threat. While certainly they are a matter that must be discussed, the acquisition of land is the more important subject of the moment." Speaking fluently and confidently, Malden quickly moved on the the next person, bearing the slight irrational fear that the Speaker was reading his mind as the strange alien watched him. The Goa'Uld statement was of course ridiculous. They had effectively called dibs on half the planet, including all Imperium lands, as well as all other planets in the system. But Manus suppressed his disgust, speaking with the same confident and friendly demeanor that he had previously employed. "The Goa'Uld Empire will be granted appropriate right to land, but all factions must be granted land according to their requirements and desires. For the moment, the other planets in the system are not under discussion. Expansion will be mostly limited to Arcadia. As normally, space-faring vessels may be placed in geosynchronous orbit above controlled lands, or unclaimed lands. Any vessels may be left in deep space, outside of firing range of the planet." The agreements on space vessel location had never been factually stated, but most factions had realised that leaving a warship hovering over another faction's land was not a gesture of peace. "As for the lands allotted to the Goa'Uld Empire, the Imperium suggests the entire area known by the locals as Asia be granted to them." Malden gestured, and a line appeared automatically on the holographic world map, encircling the area in question. "Discussions may be opened on the ownership of the rest of Russia, and other adjacent areas." Again circles would appear on the map around the areas in question, a difference in colour indicating the 'debatable' areas. "Furthermore, later in today's meeting, a treaty will be proposed with regards to space colonisation. All further questions and statements on the subject will have to wait until that time." Malden nodded respectfully at both Goa'Uld representatives, hoping his statements had in no way offended them. Unlike Kaldor, he was a man of diplomacy and reason, and so no value in provoking the xenos. "Another important matter for discussion is the border between the Alliance of Conquerors and the Imperium." Malden turned now towards Keith, and the rest of the Alliance party. "While in times of war the border was the frontline, it's important to establish a proper border, and border treaty, now that we are at peace." Malden did his best to pass the remarkable optimism of such a statement off as merely stating the obvious. "The Imperium initially suggests this line be drawn. You will receive these cities, whereas this area will fall within Imperial territory." A line appeared on the map, dividing Imperial and Alliance lands. It was mildly unfair towards the Alliance, giving the Imperium slightly more lands and cities, most notably the large city of Winnipeg. But such things exist to be debated over. "This is important in order to allow for trade, solidify each nation's location, and to eliminate the remarkable amount of raiders and criminals who have made this area their home."