Ssarak Dyreackthanose --- Ssarak rested his elbows on the table in front of him, and leaned forward with his hands clasped together. Meirin brought up points he had not previously considered, and he could not think of a way in which he disagreed with her. [color=f7941d]"Good points, on all accounts. I understand you want to do everything you can for your homeland. Even in exile, I would do the same for my people. I cannot say I have been on a diplomatic mission before, but your reasoning is sound. We cannot present ourselves in a manner that suggests we are servants of the barons. The College is among the most powerful organizations in Tien, and we will need to uphold that image. To that end, we may want to avoid making it seem as if we are putting on a show. We still may need to demonstrate our abilities, but we may need to determine a way to present them that seems more...respectable, I suppose? A competition, perhaps?"[/color] Ssarak thought for a moment on how viable any sort of competition would be if they were pressed to demonstrate their abilities. It would make them seem less like court jesters, but by the nature of it being a competition, there was also the chance that they could lose. Of course, the College was the preeminent center of magical learning in Tien. They had some of the best teachers across every time of blood, and for him at least, he had been training diligently. It might have been arrogant for him to admit, but he doubted there were many psychomancers with the same number of years of experience who could best his abilities, particularly without the same caliber of instruction. [color=f7941d]"Regardless, you are right that a varied group would probably be best-suited for the task. Different bloods, different backgrounds. Not to mention, we will still need to be concerned about more mundane dangers. Our task may not be [i]specifically[/i] hazardous, but traveling the roads over such a long distance is never completely safe. I wish everyone could fly like us; it would make traveling much simpler."[/color]