Just tell me if you want anything changed. c: [hider=Stormsurgeon DI042][center][img width=500]http://orig08.deviantart.net/ba0c/f/2016/228/7/6/image_by_ciairvoyantly-dae51gt.jpg[/img][/center][h2][right]Stormsurgeon DI042 "Dio"[/right][/h2] [hr] [b]Nickname.[/b] Dio [b]Gender.[/b] Male [b]Military Ranking.[/b] Private [b]Race / species.[/b] Mirialan [b]Planetary Origin.[/b] Mirial[h3][center]Armor appearance.[/center][/h3]He wears the standard stormtrooper armour, with a bronze pauldron on his right shoulder. There're a few simple geometric patterns imprinted onto the arm plates, but otherwise, there's nothing else he's changed. [h3][center]Personality.[/center][/h3]When it comes to first impressions, Dio usually comes off as somewhat cold and indifferent. Once he warms up to someone, he begrudgingly begins to soften up, but not by much; it's difficult to completely gain his trust. In contrast, the Mirialan tends to be a pushover when confronted, preferring to avoid disputes with colleagues. He's also quite the optimist, and typically sees situations in a more positive light. Because of his experience at the academy ( and with the Galactic Empire in general ), he's rather ashamed of his alien ancestry, and thinks of humans as the superior species. [h3][center]Appearance.[/center][/h3]Olive skin, dark hair, blue eyes; Dio's physical appearance is that of your average Mirialan, if somewhat bland and forgettable. He still has a few tattoos on his face and hands from back on Mirial, but there haven't been any new additions since he took off to join the Imperial Army. Because of his species, he prefers to keep his armour on much as possible as to avoid potentially nasty reactions from some of his more xenophobic colleagues. [h3][center]History.[/center][/h3]During his years at the academy, Dio discovered that he had a knack for patching up wounds and keeping a level head under pressure ( two factors that ultimately influenced him in becoming a stormsurgeon ). Following orders to the letter was another one of his strengths. Dio's biggest downfall was his habit of avoiding confrontation with peers and competition in general; he never really gave anything his all, and constantly settled for mediocrity. The only thing he excelled at and actually gave his full effort in was his training to become a stormsurgeon. He also found it difficult to work outside of a group despite his somewhat aloof personality, becoming flustered when left to his own devices and without orders. He was also a bit of a thrill seeker, although that part of him's been toned down since then.[/hider]