[center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mali%20Anson&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=50&style_color=D5FF00[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Boston Heights [hr][hr][/center] Aside from the cops everywhere, the complex was more or less abandoned right now. A police officer or two would ask her who she is or what she's doing here, to which they received the curt answer of, [color=D5FF00]"I live here. Fuck off."[/color] Normally, it would make sense to trying breaking into one of these apartments if you were looking for potential quick cash. Especially if you'd been casing the place for awhile. However, today of all days would be the worst day to try some shit like this. Even with the laziness and incompetence of the Justice Law Enforcement division, trying to break into not just one, but four different apartments given that there was enough Heat to bake a turkey. Well whatever, what was important now was to get tell the Landlord about this shit. Mali pulled out her phone and took pictures of the damage/crime scene as best as she could before dialing his number. And as luck would have it, she got the voicemail. Whatever, he would get the information either way. [color=D5FF00]"Hey, this is Mali from Apartment 2B. My apartment's been broken into from the rear window. I'm pretty sure nothing was stolen, but whoever did it went through all my belongings. There's also signs of attempted break-ins on the ground and top floors of the Rose Building and on the third floor of the Classic Building. But it only looks like mine was actually entered forcefully. I've taken pictures and will send them to you after I hang up."[/color] A few button presses later and the best pics of the crime scene were sent. Now all that was left to do was go back to the apartment and continue unpacking. [i]Sigh.[/i]