[hider=Cyano Conablum][b]Name:[/b] Cyano Conablum [b]Appearance:[/b] Cyano is of an average height and has light blue, short straight hair that covers the sides of her face, but never goes over her eyes or ears. She wears a red headband to contrast with the blue of her hair. The headband flows out behind her hair, where the knot is. She is fairly pale, owing to her not getting out very much. She has brown eyes. Her clothing is very professional looking, consisting of a black long sleeved shirt, underneath a brown vest. She wears a pair of black dress pants. Though they are meant to be only for professional usage, it became too much of a hassle to change, and she began to wear them full time. Even to sleep. On her wrist she wears a small bracelet her daughter made her. Around her waist she wears a belt that holds, a multi purpose energy weapon, a ballistic six shooter of her own design, a knife, and a sword(the materials will be discussed in abilities and special items) For shoes she wears a pair of brown boots made for mountain climbing, even though she doesnt climb any mountains. [b]Personality:[/b] Cyano is, for the most part a very cold person. She has no regard for life, unless it is hers or her duaghters. She can be cruel. If she is fighting a person much weaker then her, she will end it quickly. But those equal to her, she likes to take her time on. Drawing out their suffering until she eventually kills them. That being said, she is smart enough to keep it at a reasonable amount of time. From her own experiences in her universe, her belief is that if the people she kills wanted to be alive, they would just drag themselves out of where ever they went when they died. Unbeknownst to her, this method doesnt really work except in a very few parts of the multiverse. She is very level headed, but can fly into a sort of serene fury when called out by someone she considers inferior to her. When it comes to her daughter, she is a very caring mother. She is also very intelligent, though oddly, this causes her to overestimate, rather then underestimate her opponents. finally, the fact that in her universe she can simply drag herself back to life, has left her very lazy. And why wouldn't she be? What's the hurry when your effectively immortal. Upon the discovery of the fact that outside of the Rivardverse, people cannot come back from death. She has become a lot less careless, both in terms of her life, and others, due to the fact that once they are dead, they cannot be recovered. Back in the Rivardverse though, everyone is fair game. [b]Abilities:[/b] Intelligence: Cyano is an incredibly intelligent person. With exceptional knowledge in several fields. With her introduction to the multiverse, her knowledge has grown to include a number of subjects pertaining to the multiverse. Physical capabilities: Considering her competition in the multiverse, Cyano began to train herself to improve in all areas. speed, strength, and durability. Now easily lifting her original limit of 350 pounds, to now being able to easily lift 450-500 pounds, improving her 5 minute mile to a 3 minute mile, and increasing her durability by quite the decent amount. Accuracy: Through training, Cyano has become incredibly accurate with her weapon. Still not sniper levels of pinpoint accuracy, but one would definitely call her a sharpshooter. [b]Equipment:[/b] Nanomites: Following a quick upgrade, the nanomites limits were raised, and were given the ability to both increase her physical attributes, and protect her from psychic attack. Still outdated in comparison, to hack into them requires direct access to them. Suffice to say, due to their outdatedness, they are still weak to EMPs and extremely high heat, but an obstacle between her and the EMP or high heat, while she is wearing Sabercloth, does allow for them to be unaffected. (I;E a wall) Sabercloth: Saber cloth, named after its creator and her brother, is a cloth nigh invulnerable to light and energy based attacks, and cannot be pierced. However, the force behind a physical hit will still effect her. Arch six shooter: A sixshooter of her own design, it is capable of firing anything from a larger pebble to a .38 caliber bullet. It is mostly used as back up should she be unable to use anything else and her nanomites have been disabled. Sword and knife: Used for close combat and stealth respectively, they are also made out of Saber Cloth, though hardened and sharpened. They would phase right through a lightsaber. [b]Origin:[/b] Originally coming from the Rivardverse, Cyano was one of the first to arrive in Arcadia. Shortly afterwards, she quickly threw her lot in with The Dark Outliners. She stayed with them, until they managed to defeat the leaders of the Alliance of Conquerors. Shortly after their defeat, she broke off from the outliners, and was made new ground leader of the alliance. [/hider]