[b]Name:[/b] Agonious [b]Appearance:[/b] Agonious stands at 7 feet, 5 inches tall. He is covered head to toe, in blood red armor. Only his mouth and eyes being visible. Looking at him with the armor, one would think he was simply fat, but in reality, beneath the Armor, Agonious is built like a wall of Iron, and is covered in muscles. Hie eyes are red, with black Sclera. He has long, almost mullet like hair, that is the same color as his armor. As well as a mustache. His skin is deathly pale [b]Personality:[/b] Agonious, if you only listen to what he says, appears to be a scheming, underhanded, and intimidating mountain of a man. Always ready with a plan. His incredibly deep voice only backing up that image. In reality though, looking just a bit deeper, it becomes painfully clear that in truth, he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about. In truth, making him a large ham. Experimentation on him by Cyano stripped him of all actual intelligence. Turning him into what is, essentially, a mindless slave who listens to her, and anyone she tells him to listen to. As well as instilling an obsession with plans within him. Beyond that, he is basically Cyano's heavy hitter. [b]Abilities:[/b] Strength: Easily one of the physically strongest within Cyano's universe, Agonious is capable of putting most enemies down in a single blow, two, if he isn't trying. This is helped by him actually being good at fighting, but, made less effective by the fact that he does not use a weapon, and is rather predictable. Flight: Agonious is able to levitate for a short amount of time, though it is only for a few short seconds. Durabilty: Self explanatory, he can take some pretty big hits. Helped out by the fact that he is a living pile of muscle. [b]Equipment:[/b] Armor: Coming from the deadland, Agonious' armor is literally indestructible. Some even theorize that, besides the helmet, that the armor is in fact his actual skin. A part of him. This is compounded by the fact that the armor doesn't dent, or crack, and any blows taken by it seem to have just as much an effect as they would against an unarmored foe. Which, still isn't that much of an effect considering, but still. [b]Origin:[/b] Rivardverse: Deadland [b]Theme Song:[/b] -TBD-