[quote=@Shazbot21] Name:Wally West Age:16 Gender:male Hero/Villain name:Kid Flash Good or Evil?:I guess good Origin/backstory:One summer, when he was ten years old, Wally went to Central City to stay with his Aunt Iris, whom he called his best friend. Iris was going out with police scientist Barry Allen, who was "friends" with the Flash. Barry "introduced" Wally to his idol, the Flash. In the back room of Barry's apartment was a lab, where Wally asked the Flash all sorts of questions. When he asked Flash how he got his powers, it turned out the speedster had set up his chemical cabinet just as it had been when he was created. Wally wished that something like that could happen to him; the Flash dismissed it as a billion-to-one chance. However, it just so happened that the weather that particular day was stormy and, at that moment, lightning did strike the cabinet, bathing Wally in the same chemicals that created the Flash. Bam the kid flash was born. Height:5'8 Pets: Powers/skills/abilities/weapons:Super speed and super reflects (the speed force) fast metabolism Job (if any):none Mentor:The Flash Home Planet:Earth Personality:your typical kid flash routine Weakness:Himself and his fast metabolsim Strengths:dah speed force Looks:[img]http://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/a3Bx517_700b.jpg[/img] Crush/gf/bf/spouse:open *wink* *wink* *eyebrow wiggle* Team affiliation: the team Family (if important):Iris(aunt) Joe west Anything you'd like to add?:basically wally west but African American Other:I love drugs [/quote]