[h3]Gotham City[/h3] [i]July 4, 12:00 EDT[/i] Crowds of people flooded out from the park in a panic, as many screamed and trampled over one another to escape from the monster behind them. A woman tripped over onto the ground, as a man, presumably her friend, stopped to help her up. "Come on, we have to keep moving!" The man by her side frantically told her, as he helped her up to her feet. Just as they rose back up, a shadow hovered over them. Sweat poured down the man's face, as he still held onto the girl's hand. He slowly backed away from whatever was causing the shadow in front of them, slowly guiding the girl as well. Without warning, he broke out into a run, pulling the girl along to follow. They only got a few steps away before suddenly being hit by a bright blue beam, instantly freezing them both in a giant mass of ice. The screams only got louder and more frantic, as Mr. Freeze continued to blast at the fleeing crowd with his freeze-cannon, seemingly almost at random. He charged the weapon to shoot another deadly beam, but was suddenly interrupted, as a batarang hit the weapon from the side. The weapon was knocked off course, as instead of shooting another family, it froze a tree. Mr. Freeze growled, as he slowly turned to face the direction the batarang came from. "Batman, I was wondering when you'd show up." He angrily muttered. Of course, the Dark Knight was nowhere to be seen, as Freeze only faced the forest just beyond the open park area. Laughter echoed from the forest, then from the park benches to his left, and then from behind him. It seemed to be coming from all directions. He slowly turned, cannon-ready, as he tried to follow the laughter. Without warning, Robin landed right on the villain's glass dome, knocking him off balance once more, as he quickly jumped back off before Freeze could have time to counterattack. Mr. Freeze fell flat on his stomach this time, as Robin quickly threw two more batarangs at his dome before landing back onto the ground. Freeze's dome cracked in various places upon impact, as he slowly brought himself back up to his feet, noticeably embarrassed and frustrated. "Oh, Boy Wonder, the Bat sent you to drag me off to prison? Frankly, I'm underwhelmed." He angrily expressed, as he prepared to fire a beam at his new opponent. "Fantastic, but, I'm sort of in a hurry here." Robin replied with annoyance, as he simply stood there in front of Freeze. "Kids, always in such a rush." Freeze smirked, as he charged his cannon. "I'm not talking to you." Robin smiled back. Immediately Freeze realized it was all a decoy, as he quickly turned around. Of course, it was too late at this point, as Batman came speeding down from the sky, his fist pulled back. His punch broke through the already damaged glass, knocking Freeze unconscious.