[center][h2][color=green]Kaffir Lycaste[/color][/h2][/center] It was the beginning of the school year, but that didn't mean anything to Kaffir. He wasn't planning on attending his classes despite his parents' concerns. He knew that they meant well, but he just couldn't take it anymore. It was hard enough being a teenage boy, but being an alien teenage boy made things even worse. They didn't understand what was bothering him, but he could see the way [i]they[/i] looked at him and he knew what [i]they[/i] thought. He was a freak and he wasn't one of them. So why pretend? He was sitting down in a dark, but familiar alley. While his species generally preferred sitting out in the sunlight, he didn't want to risk getting caught by the police. This was their spot and everyone who was anyone knew it. He was throwing a rubber ball that he had found in his room earlier that day. The ball would hit the wall and return back to his hand. If he had miscalculated, his vines would help him catch it and allowed him to continue what he was doing. They didn't always do much nor did they always say much but they didn't need to. Sometimes he wondered why they all hung out. But in a way, they were the same and they had reached some unspoken understanding. It was definitely something he needed in his life. [color=green]"Hey Hali,"[/color] he said absentmindedly, breaking the silence. [color=green]"Isn't your birthday coming up soon? Did you want to do something?"[/color] [color=green]"Do me and Eli have to get you a present or something?"[/color] he half-joked as he threw the rubber ball at his robot friend.