[quote=@Ghost Shadow] [@NubianLegend] To sorta add on to [@ayzrules] question, would our characters and, by extension, [i]every[/i] character be stated to have superpowers or is it all simply chalked down as magic? [/quote] Magic exists, as do superpowers to a certain extent. Superpowers are mostly a byproduct of one's mastery of magick concepts. Of course you can train your body through sheer will into unlocking supernatural abilities , or you can be born with said abilities. The only difference is the scope of these powers are nerfed for good reason. Superpowers would fall under martial or mystic training, magic-based enhancements or inherent aptitudes. Due to way the game is structured, magic would obviously be a pursuit for the privileged few. I just don't see poor people having much access to magic arts. To learn magic you would have to be taught by a priest or wizard.