[h3]Central City[/h3] An alarm could be herd going off somewhere in a bank of Central City as the bank was as Captain Cold was back at it again with his no good deeds the police showed up to the scene as of them pointed there guns Captain Cold "Freeze!" An officer yelled. "How about you gentlemen freeze!" Captain Cold froze the police officers he went deeper into the bank he froze the vault door a bit and kick it down and he began to fill the his bags with cash. But he paused as a gush off wind flew passed him as he turned and pointed his gun towards the person who he thought was no one other than the Flash. "Captain Cold I thought would have already knew that crime doesn't pay, but seeing all these bills some may say other wise," Kid Flash said as he held a stack of 100 dollar bills as ran his thumb through the whole stack. "HA it's only the baby flash this shouldn't be hard maybe you just need to "CHILL"," Captain Cold said as he dodged the the blast as Kid Flash to dart around the room. "Mind if i step in," The Flash said as he stood like five feet away from Captain Cold. "Ice to meet you again Flash!" Captain cold yelled as he completely shifted his focus at the flash. As he was about to shoot the gun Kid flash snatched the freeze blaster right out of his hands. "Looks like your going to be on thin Ice," Flash said his pun as he did a quick punch Captain Cold knocking him out Cold.