[h3]New York City[/h3] [i]July 4, 12:02 EDT[/i] Killer Frost slid on an ice bridge through the busy streets of New York. She found the New York National Bank. Once she was about to go in, she was stopped by a television. "Ice to meet you!" a voice on the television laughed. Killer Frost rolled her eyes and murmured, "How original." She continued her way through New York, freezing stopped cars and screaming people. Killer Frost was then swooped up into the air. She twisted around to see none other than, "Wonder Girl." Killer Frost shot a blast of ice to the young girl's face. Wonder Girl released her grip and Killer Frost began to fall to the ground. "Hey!" Donna shouted and flew down towards Frost. Killer Frost created another ice slide to soften her fall. When she was on the ground she shot a blue beam of pure ice. Wonder Girl held her bracelets crossed over her face to block the ice. She flew directly through the blast to Killer Frost. When she was close enough, she threw a punch that knocked Frost a few feet back. "You Wonder Twerp!" Frost shouted and moved her hands up to send out another blast. Before she could shoot, her arms were pulled tightly to her side. "That's enough, Frost," Wonder Woman said, flying down to the streets. "What do you have to say for yourself?" Killer Frost tried to resist the Lasso of Truth's powers, but she ended up blurting out, "I should've robbed that stupid bank!"