[h3][color=39b54a]Breeze the Shaymin[/color] and [color=fff200]Fuse the Luxio[/color][/h3][b][Folio Trunk - Treacherous Roots B3][/b] [@Light Lord] [@Lucius Cypher] Fuse nodded. [color=fff200]"At least we have a who and a where, that's more than we had to go on before..."[/color] Said Fuse, looking down to the Roserade. [color=fff200]"We can probably let him up now... Sorry for the misunderstanding, Rin. We have no quarrels with you or The Manifest, you just can't be too sure in a Mystery Dungeon who is friend or who is foe."[/color] He said. Breeze breathed a sigh of relief as the confrontation seemed to be at an end. Then she felt it, it was happening, here and now. Her body became enveloped in a bright green light, and she promptly dropped to the ground, now in Land Forme. [color=39b54a]"Oh no... I knew this would happen..."[/color] Said Breeze, looking at her forme now. This was possibly the worst place for this to happen. She sighed. [color=39b54a]"Well, Fuse is right. But... maybe we could head back to the Waypoint and camp out for the night, that way we can be at full strength in the morning when we set out?"[/color] She asked, almost begged. Fuse nodded his head. [color=fff200]"I didn't know it was this late now... It would be best to backtrack and wait out the night, I think."[/color] He said. He looked down to Gren, clearly by what had happened so far he was going to want to push on... Letho would be the decider then. He honestly didn't know how that would come out.