[h3]Star City[/h3] [i]July 4, 9:04 PDT [/i] On a suspension bridge, cars swerved violently out of the way, as they tried desperately to dodge the maniac in the middle of the road. Icicle Jr. laughed maniacally, as he froze the air around him to create an enormous wall, which caused many cars to crash and flip upon impact. He walked forward, passed his wall, as he started to throw sharp icicles, one after another, at the oncoming cars' windows. Suddenly, a green arrow pierced right through his shoulder, causing him to stumble backwards slightly. About a dozen more arrows followed soon after, landing all along his ice wall. "Finally! I was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here!" The maniac laughed, looking upward, as the arrows all began to flash a bright red color, following by a beeping sound, in sync with the flashes. The arrows all exploded simultaneously, as Icicle Jr. went staggering left and right. He rubbed his head in pain, as his eyes floated back above, to get a good look at his attackers. Standing on one of the bridge's towers were Green Arrow, and his partner, Speedy. They both reloaded their arrows in unison, seemingly rather calm. "Show me what ya' got, heroes!" He laughed, launching a series of sharp icicles up at the duo. "Junior's doing this for attention?" Speedy questioned, as the duo shot out another round of arrows to stop the icicles in midair. The arrows exploded upon impact, stopping only about half of the onslaught. The two quickly jumped out of the way to dodge the other half, as they ran along the cables to get a closer shot. The icicles completely froze over the top of the tower, as Icicle Jr. prepared for another wave. "I'm tell you now, this little distraction better not interfere." Speedy angrily spoke, as he jumped up to dodge another icicle, simultaneously shooting out another exploding arrow at the attacker. The ice villain created another wall in front of him, as it caught two more arrows. The wall exploded, but Icicle Jr. was left unscaved. Speedy dodged yet another icicle, performing an impressive flip in the air to do so. As he fell towards the bridge, he shot out one last arrow, one with an odd, silver, rounded tip. Icicle Jr. tried to dodge it by swaying to the side, but it ended up hitting him right in the jaw, causing him to fall backwards, into the ground. Green Arrow and Speedy both landed on the bridge, as they approached the villain, cautiously. The mentor knelt down beside the unconscious boy, as he began to chuckle to himself. "Kid had a glass jaw." He laughed, as he turned to Speedy. "Hilarious, can we go? Today's the day." Speedy impatiently re-informed Green Arrow.