[hr][hr] [u][b][h1][center][color=mediumpurple]Gerald Fischer [/color] [/center][/h1][/b][/u] [center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/ac97e168114efced25e57243b1297850/tumblr_ndkjp2mCda1s2wio8o5_500.gif [/img] [/center] [hr] Location: Dunder Mifflin ---> Conference room [hr][hr] Entering the conference room after the others, where he took his usual seat at the front as he liked to be right where the action of the meeting took place. He couldn't help but fidget in his seat; giddy to hear whatever speech the boss had planned for them, which indeed had to do with the camera crew and the documentary about the ever-day life at the office. He listened closely to what Mr. Ferguson had to say about it and by the looks of the man, seemed both annoyed and extremely put off by the prospect. Reading about it on memo hardly did the news justice and actually having the boss tell them about it only excited him even more with the fact that each of them would be on t.v. He made sure to keep a mental note of it all; especially Aidan's mentioning of his name as he found it enjoyable to be included in a speech. With the speech coming the end and started to raised a hand to ask a question, that is until Mr. Ferguson turned down any from him along with Chris and Declan. Disappointed at the chance or that the meeting was now over; at least until Eduard stood up to show he had something to say. He leaned back in his seat with a raised eyebrow, curious of what the H.R might have to say and what he heard and while the others gave out dejected groans, he simply smiled with a quick and brief clap. '[color=mediumpurple] And here I thought this day couldn't get any better, only to prove me wrong.[/color]' Not only did they get a meeting today, but a peer review too? what a truly super duper day, Gerald thought.