[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=slategray][center]Gideon Engelhart[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1tetusdCo1qd54da.gif[/img][/center] [hr][CENTER][color=slategray][b]Location:[/b][/color] Engine Room[/CENTER][hr] Carefully taking what was left of the compression coil apart, Gideon scrounged through his stockpile of spare parts for an inner ring that would be compatible. Without the compression coil, the engine would never properly fire meaning they'd be stuck on this rock forever and that Gideon simply wasn't comfortable with. As he found something he could work with, Gideon froze as the sound of a tearing filter echoed in his ears. Turning around to see the damage, Gideon couldn't help but chuckle at the site of the tough Camilla sitting with a filter halfway up her arm. [B][COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"I'd hold off on telling the Captain, I think I can patch that part. It might not be the most optimized but it will do until we can acquire a suitable replacement."[/COLOR][/B] Turning back to his compression coil, Gideon was interrupted by the arrival of Daphne as she returned from her task. Looking around, he noticed that Camilla had failed to heed his suggestion that he might be able to fix the filter. She must have left to tell the Captain in order to take any blame away from him once again. [B][COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"If you could find Cam..."[/COLOR][/B] Gideon began to say to Daphne before the radio he kept in the engine room crackled to life. As Daphne answered the call, Gideon decided it was for the best he continued to work, especially now that he was uninterrupted. Perhaps he could at least have the engines running before sunset. Returning to the compression coil, Gideon began to fit the replacement inner ring and re-initiate the compression sequence. Opening the main reactor, he slid the repaired coil into the engine before turning to his diagnostic tool. [B][COLOR=SLATEGRAY]"Should probably give it a test fire."[/COLOR][/B]