[@TheMinorFall] hope this ok. It took a little while to make this. Also I was wonder when the rp was going up. Name: Her first personality's name is Jane. Her second personality's name is Julie Race: human Personality: has split personalities. Her first personality is cold, frightening, quiet, calm, collected. The second one is happy, cheerful, optimistic, playful, caring, and vibrant. Class/subclass: night stalker Appearance: [hider=appearance] [img]http://s1.favim.com/orig/150214/beautiful-black-and-white-blue-eyes-cute-Favim.com-2477591.jpg[/img] [/hider] Shader: [hider=Vallsgärde shader] [img]https://www.bungie.net/common/destiny_content/icons/d505a2c1d236fc0d14edcf73757f94be.jpg[/img] [/hider] Helmet:[hider=ATS/8 ARACHNID][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/efCgowQ2BCs/maxresdefault.jpg[/img][/hider] Chest:[hider=ATS/8 Tarantella] [img]http://twinfinite.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Screenshot-170.png[/img] [/hider] Arms:[hider=Neuroghast 1.0] [img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/66e61f1bb47994e196aec2a3b62e3d72/tumblr_inline_nx0mzehSNO1ru0xqm_540.jpg[/img] [/hider] Legs: [hider=Wardens path]sorry for the small picture. It was the only one I could find. [img]https://www.bungie.net/common/destiny_content/icons/0d53d68b93a68e81b1973fd9c6ad5f79.jpg[/img] [/hider] Cloak: [hider=Cloak of taniks] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JrtbpNgJ1KU/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [/hider] Primary weapon:[hider=Vandals verdict][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/d72b/f/2016/200/1/8/vandal_s_verdict__ar_concept_by_ironmaxxi001_by_destinywarlock-daamlzq.png[/img][/hider] Secondary weapon:[hider=Serdun's monitor][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/89ba/f/2016/219/3/d/serdun_s_monitor__heavy_fr_concept_by_xxxpyrousxxx_by_destinywarlock-dad1r5x.png[/img][/hider] Heavy weapon:[hider=Bolt caster][img]https://www.bungie.net/common/destiny_content/grimoire/hr_images/700290_c312b85ef74d5cd23f0d950b6d976f47.jpg[/img][/hider] Ghost:[hider=Nostalgia shell][img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/f15b/f/2016/214/1/0/nostalgia_shell__exotic_ghost_shell_concept_by_destinywarlock-dacbasc.png[/img][/hider] Sparrow:[hider=EV-35 Arcrunner][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/destinypedia/images/4/41/EV-35_Arcrunner.png/revision/latest?cb=20151210204125[/img][/hider] Ship:[hider=Hebridean Thoughtcrime][img]http://i.imgur.com/Es8HqV9.jpg[/img][/hider] Bio: June/Julie had always had split personalities. Everyone thought they were weird, even her family. On the fifth day of second grade Julie had become somewhat comfortable with a new girl. That day Jane to over. When her new friend approached her and said "hi" June said back "do I know you?" And the girl said back "it's me Hannah" June turned away and looked at her in the corner of her eye and said "oh...you must be her friend" putting emphasis on her. Then the girl got confused and about why her friend was saying these things and started crying. Making the teacher come over and ask why she was crying. A few years later her family decided to send her to a home for people with things wrong with them. She stayed there until she was twenty and over the time of her staying there she taught herself how to control her personalities and event went as far as to takes turns every other week. Everything was going fine util the world was attacked. Julie came down in the morning seeing the others gathered around the Windows pointing and gasping. When she got near the window there was an explosion that threw her back. It made her ears rung and her vision was really blurry. After a few more seconds she saw a blurt figure approach her on the ground and shot her in the heart wit something. After what seemed like only a few minutes she woke up to a blinding light with a little floating shadow in front of her making a muffled sound.