[quote=@Vec] [@Antarctic Termite] So Vowzra was basically killed by his own creations... [/quote] The Gap is the crawlspace under our lovely House of Galbar that has all the cockroaches that Jvan made, plus a few snakes that Vowzra let in from outside. The ungrateful snakes that he let in (not realy created!) were his downfall. The Mechanism of Change is the water heater out in the garage that everyone takes for granted. It's possible that a few people infer that it exists (after all, there's warm showers and you can hear the damn thing humming as it works) but only Zephyrion has the key to get inside of it and mess around safely. Others would have to smash their way in and they might blow something up. The Submaterium is that creepy closet upstairs with all the ghosts and monsters hiding inside, courtesy of Mammon. Teknall's plane is the mostly unused bonus room where that one nerdy son has all his toys set up and plays all day. Ull'yang's realm is a couch that he just sleeps on all by himself. The thing is so old and disgusting that it's got life growing inside of it. Then Ilunabar's dream realm is the attic where everyone hotboxes ganja and goes to get high. The Realm of Madness is the secret sex dungeon that you get into from a hidden passageway in Vestec's room. Well, that's my understanding of the Divinus Multiverse as a metaphorical house.