[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=aqua]Eugene Han[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/wzEoeBv.gif[/img] [hr] Conference Room [hr] In what she hoped was a very subtle, very unnoticed gesture, Eugene's ears practically perked up when Aidan made reference to the camera crew's presence as being quote 'reality television'. It was a secret to pretty much everyone that Eugene was something of a fan of the trashy reality television shows and though she disagreed with the cameras disrupting workplace productivity - such as it was - she had to admit that being part of an actual non-scripted (it's always so easy to tell) reality series did sound somewhat appealing. Except of course it meant that potential anonymous viewers would think she was some sort of anomaly, some foreigner that didn't belong or something. Maybe, just maybe, they'd respect her for climbing the corporate ladder in spite of herself. But any small, potential enthusiasm was swallowed when Eduard mentioned that it was about the time for peer reviews. They were always such an awkward experience for her, not because her work was lacking or anything, but because it amounted to Eugene struggling for the 'right' words and her peer growing noticeably more annoyed. But on the plus side, there was often the chance that her peer would speak slowly and Eugene had to resist the urge to laugh at how utterly ridiculous it sounded. She never quite understood that mentality - if someone doesn't speak the language what good would it do to speak an unknown language slower? The looming peer reviews did plant a little seed in the back of Eugene's head. She often wondered if anyone resented her for her position in the company - she didn't flaunt it or lord it over anyone, but she had to assume at least one of her co-workers still considered her to be a kissass or something; never mind the fact that she hadn't kissed anything ever least of all ass. They probably wouldn't mention it one on one...but people's eyes and faces spoke louder than mouths sometimes. The Korean woman did, however, find herself speaking up and directly to Eduard to boot. [color=aqua]"Why can't just...pair now?"[/color] She didn't really see the need to take the trip to the annex; was privacy truly a concern when they spent so much time in their cramped little office space? Eugene would have much rather gotten her pair now, if only to get it over with. Like a band-aid. All in one go.[/center]