[@Zugzwang] I went a different route- one that still has potential for conflict in the future- but I may use that idea for another character later on. Thanks for the input, but this makes more sense for the character. Speaking of which: [hider=Raye Solaire][center][color=goldenrod][b]Name:[/b][/color] Raye Solaire [color=goldenrod][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=goldenrod][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=goldenrod][b]Race:[/b][/color] Faunus (Wolf) [color=goldenrod][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] Atlas [color=goldenrod][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Raye is tall, standing around 6'2". He is well-muscled, but leaner, more flexible, bringing to mind more of a swimmer's or runner's physique. His features are sharp, angular, and, of course, wolfish. He has light silver hair streaked with dark grey, grey wolf ears, sharp, elongated canine teeth, and piercing gold eyes. He's usually dressed to fight- white longcoat with gold armor plates on his shoulders, across his shoulder blades, and gold trim along the bottom, a dark grey sleeveless athletic shirt with gold trim, dark grey cargo pants, black combat boots, and golden bracers and greaves on his forearms and shins, respectively. He almost always has his twin blades at his sides, as well. ==~== [color=goldenrod][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Raye presents an interesting dichotomy of temperaments, sometimes within minutes or seconds of each other, giving a strange, almost manic cast to his personality. He can swing between calm and erudite, or loud and boisterous, at the drop of a hat. He has a tendency toward the dramatic, preferring to enjoy everything he does as much as possible. Given his somewhat-imposing appearance, this can be intimidating to those who do not know him well, but Raye is an enormous softie where most people are concerned, preferring to make friends with his fellows, rather than enemies... ...That being said, get him into a situation where he has to fight Grimm, or something or someone else that he feels deserves it, and all bets are off. In battle, Raye is a terror, channeling his usual flamboyant energy into sheer battle-lust, becoming a bombastic bruiser of epic proportions. Few who've seen him in combat can forget his wide, sharp-toothed grin as he tears through whatever has the misfortune of getting on his bad side that day. In short, Raye is a lot to take in on a good day with his boundless energy, but be grateful that you're on his good side. [color=goldenrod][b]Aspiration:[/b][/color] Raye strives for the day when Faunus and Humans can live in the same world, walk on the same streets, without even the barest hint or memory of hate, fear, or conflict. As a Huntsman, his goals are to serve the common good, saving and protecting lives, proving by his example that his beliefs can and will be validated. [color=goldenrod][b]Fears:[/b][/color] Despite his typical demeanor toward them, deep down, Raye is terrified of Humans. He always feels like he's walking on eggshells around them, trying not to say or do anything that might provoke them, or bring up memories of less-savory Faunus, such as those of the White Fang. Raye's greatest fear is that one day he will say or do something that he cannot talk his way out of, perhaps without even meaning to, and that the people he so desperately wants to see him as an equal will turn on him. As a side note, he is also arachnophobic. [color=goldenrod][b]Ethics:[/b][/color] "Live and let live" is Raye's personal motto- he finds it troublesome to get offended or hold grudges over trivial matters, and is notoriously difficult to perturb. He does have limits, however; he values personal freedom for everyone- not just himself- above all else, and cannot stand when others try and limit someone else's right to live the way they desire. As such, anything that smacks of oppression, slavery, segregation, or anything similar is sure to get his hackles raised. [color=goldenrod][b]History:[/b][/color] Growing up as a Faunus anywhere on Remnant is a difficult prospect to consider. Growing up as a Faunus in Atlas is a lifelong exercise in frustration. But Raye is nothing if not resilient as a result. Raye was technically not born on Atlesian soil. He is the son of Jet Solaire, a military officer stationed in Mistral at the time that he met Raye's mother, a Faunus by the name of Vert. Upon arriving back on his native soil, with his new wife and their child in tow, Jet faced more than his fair share of problems from the Atlesian population, problems that became Raye's as he grew up. While his family was never unhappy with one another, they faced discrimination from the Atlesian citizenry, as tensions were high due to the Faunus Rights Revolution still being rooted in recent memory. As a child, Raye was bullied frequently for crimes he'd never even heard of, much less committed, often forcing him to defend himself, which just made everything progressively worse as time went on. Eventually, the bullying got so bad that Raye had to be pulled from school, and his parents worked together to tutor him in privacy and safety. While his mother instructed him academically, his father began to train him to defend himself, instructing him in the use of his own favored weapon, the sword-staff. While Raye was fair to middling in terms of book smarts, he took to combat like a wolf to woodlands. His skills grew in leaps and bounds under the careful tutelage of his father, and he grew progressively more dangerous, agile, and strong. As he did, he began to concentrate on a goal- to join the military, like his father, and prove to everyone who'd bullied or tormented him that they had nothing to fear from Faunus like him. Over time, however, Raye's ambitions evolved, grew grander- he didn't just want to prove his worth to Atlas, after all, but the whole world. He wanted to use the model of his parents' relationship with one another, and himself as the result, to prove that humans and Faunus had nothing to fear from one another. He wanted to be the example by which the next generation would live. He wanted to be a Huntsman. While he had not attended any primary combat schools, and being slightly older than the typical applicant, besides, due to his being home-schooled, his skills were formidable enough that he could fairly easily pass the entrance exams to the Huntsman Academy of his pick. In keeping with his global aspirations, he chose to attend an Academy overseas, namely that of Beacon Academy. Wouldn't do to have the Atlesian Military try and pressure him into being a Specialist, after all. Upon receiving his acceptance letter, Raye's father gifted him with his personal sword-staff, Izanagi and Izanami. While at Beacon, Raye reinvented himself, casting off his old, wounded persona and burying his old fears, creating- as his own personal joke- a "beacon" for his fellow students to follow. While it didn't always work the way he wished- sometimes even causing resentment among his peers- it was a start on the path to his ultimate ambitions. As in life, in battle, Raye fearlessly surges forward, battering against any obstacle or opposition to his cause as a Huntsman, even moreso after discovering his Semblance, the purest manifestation of his desire to blaze a trail into the future. Armed with the light of his soul, his father's blades, and his unquenchable ambition, the world would do well to keep an eye on Raye Solaire. ==~== [color=goldenrod][b]Semblance:[/b][/color] [i]Meteor-[/i] Raye cloaks himself in fiery golden energy, reminiscent of sunlight, then uses said energy to propel himself forward at high velocity, turning himself into a living projectile. He can only dash in short bursts at a time, but he can launch himself in virtually any direction, even into the air, giving Raye multiple vectors of attack to use in combat. [color=goldenrod][b]Combat Style:[/b][/color] Raye's combat style is both unpredictable and relentless- he generally relies on using Meteor to dash around the battlefield at high speeds, before shooting in and exchanging a flurry of blows with his opponent, then dashing away to a safe distance before repeating the whole process again from another angle. Raye has the advantage when he can stay in constant motion, confusing the enemy and striking from any and all angles. [color=goldenrod][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] [hider=Izanagi and Izanami] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/3e58/i/2015/039/e/4/futuristic_katana_by_ambrosko1-d8h5jzb.jpg[/img] (Picture the orange parts of the blades as gold instead) [i]Izanagi and Izanami-[/i] Twin katanas that can connect at the pommel to form a sword-staff construct. The blades of both weapons are infused with Fire Dust, in order channel the fiery aura of Raye's Semblance, heating the edges and drastically increasing the weapons' offensive capabilities. The hilts of the blades also have containers of Fire Dust in them, allowing the blades to be charged with even more Fire Dust, thus enabling Raye to launch arcs of thermal energy as short-to-mid-range projectiles.[/hider] ==~== [color=goldenrod][b]Non-Combat skills:[/b][/color] Raye is a born leader- his focus in battle and his boundless enthusiasm guide and raise his comrades' spirits, encouraging them and pushing them forward. He's also a skilled tracker, having a highly developed sense of smell, and- somewhat surprisingly- he is also an excellent cook. [color=goldenrod][b]Deficiencies:[/b][/color] Raye suffers in long-range combat- all of his preferred combat maneuvers are at close-to-mid range, and he's mostly lacking in projectile attacks- to balance this, he usually prefers to work alongside someone who specializes in long-range support. Also, his fighting style requires wide-open spaces to be effective, meaning he has a more difficult time in tight, enclosed spaces, such as indoors and especially narrow hallways. Finally, he tends to favor isolating and applying pressure against single targets, though he can reasonably adapt to combat groups. [color=goldenrod][b]Miscellaneous:[/b][/color] Unusually for a wolf, Raye has a preference for fish over red meat.[/center][/hider] ...I'm finally done. :)