I'M DONE! just gime a shout if I should change anything. [hider Character Sheets] [hider Mac] Name: “Mac” Appearance: A tall and lanky man with pale skin and a slouch. The most notable feature is that he has a Computer screen for a head with the cord of the old orange cased screen trailing down to his hips. Many people compare it to an old Macintosh screen, but slightly smaller to be around the size of a head. Nobody knows how he eats or drinks but he does. Mac prefers to dress in either shirts or polos, something he can easily fit over his head, and comfortable jeans. Mac also wears a simple locket containing a picture of his face and a scrap of paper with his name and yet, just like everyone else, whenever he looks away he forgets both. Bio: Mac was born with a different name in that ever wonderful, bright, cheerful place called Manchester. School was average as was life in general for Mac with a few girlfriends, playing for the local football team and being caught by his parents with illegal substances behind the garden shed with his mates. The Fae Realm and its inhabitants were a mild fascination for Mac mainly due to how little people wished to speak of it. Even books by ‘specialists’ on the subject were few and far between unless you were counting those of legends and myths. However sometimes there were whispers online, deep within cooking forums, of multiple organisations over the years trying to either hide or use the powers of the Fae Realm inhabitants with the Invasion of Poland being a common example. Even as he got older, going on to study Music Technology at University, the interest in the Fae Realm never completely went away and took the form of multiple books of myths and legends on his shelves and sometimes meeting with others with similar interests. One day he and a group of mates tried to call upon the Fairies who apparently lived in the forest near to the University. Stumbling and singing through the dark forest half-drunk Mac went off on his own to relieve himself, but unwittingly stepped into a Fairy Ring and his foot plunged through the ground. Mac awoke with one hell of a headache and no idea where he was. The Fae Realm is not a forgiving place even to its inhabitants, especially the Wilds known for their ability to devour wanderers without a trace or turn them into feral beasts. Strangely though Mac managed to stumble his way through the twisting forests and alternating seasons with relative ease and came across the castle of the Goblin King. Upon his arrival the Goblin King offered to feed and house Mac should he beat them in a game of chess. Mac unfortunately lost this game and as payment the Goblin King took his name and face, replacing the latter with a computer screen with some twisted amusement. Mac was promptly removed forcefully from the castle by a Fairy who, through losing a bet of her own, had become bound to him. Neither were happy with the situation the pair had now found themselves and as Cheese led Mac onwards a deep-seeded hatred formed. The two soon arrived at Three Peaks and were able to get to the Mundane world, with the help of a Human scientist stationed their named Estel. Macs life up until that moment was then quickly grabbed, man-handled, and then promptly swept under the rug by the Estel’s company (MURMUR). Contacts were forcefully cut with his friends and loved one being told he had gone missing whilst he and Cheese had a new life set up in East London as joint owners of a nightclub. The pair despised each other and situation they had fallen into and has often lead to the pair fighting viciously, which has only recently been corrected after on a monthly check up Estel noticed fresh wounds dotting the pair of them that Cheese had forgotten to heal. The pair have been attending therapy sessions and are now in a much better place in regards to expressing their emotions and communicating with each other in a healthy manner. Age: 28 Skills: Mac excels at both fighting (nothing formally trained in just grappling and punching) and diffusing situations. He’s also one heck of a good musician even if he can’t play that many instruments. Mac also has an unusually high pain tolerance though this can be a double edged sword for fairly obvious reason. Furthermore, he’s fantastic with computers and other such electrical devices. Personality: Extremely prideful Mac isn’t the best at taking criticism and yet more than happy to deal it out if given the chance. However, he has made efforts to try and not be so harsh when dealing with others but his short temper can make it difficult at times. Mac is also more morally ambiguous than most but fairly hypocritical as well when such things are concerned. Other: People cannot remember Macs real name or face, even after looking at the picture or having known it before. [/hider] [hider Cheese] Name: “Cheese” Appearance: A medium sized woman with unnaturally sharp features; pointed nose, pointed chin, sharp green eyes, pointed teeth and nails like claws. She wears her brown hair in a braid over her shoulder. Cheese often dresses in long shirts and sleeves with gloves to protect herself but at times it can be difficult, especially in warmer months, and she sometimes has ugly burns covering her fore-arms. The majority of the time Cheese keeps her wings out of sight, hidden behind a veil of magic under her clothes. They’re large things, like the wings of a dragonfly, a deep green that almost glows even in bright sunlight somehow both fragile like glass and strong enough for her to carry another person. Bio: Cheese was a fairy who grew up in the Fae realm near to the castle of the Goblin King and had what could be called a fairly normal childhood for a fairy. Even for a local the Fae realm is a dangerous place filled with wild and wicked beasts of myth and legend. While the Goblin King was powerful it didn’t stop some from terrorising the surrounding area trying to prove their worth as opponents. She and her friends would fight against these beings, whether they came to the area or even sometimes when Cheese and her friends would wander into the wilds looking for a fight. She and her friends soon became very proficient at dealing with threats, even making games out of it sometimes to see whose magic was stronger, to the point where they were seen as local heroes. Their magical abilities and fighting prowess caught the attention of the Goblin King who commanded them to become part of the Court Guard. In addition to protecting the Goblin King and their Court, Cheese would also help escort refugees from the Mundane side or protect Human Scientists when out in the field. One day an opportunity arose for Cheese to prove herself; a test where the winner would be given the title of the Goblin Kings Champion. Cheese desperately wanted this title and attempted to cheat by poisoning her opponent before the match and as punishment had a curse laid upon her. When Mac appeared Cheese was then bound to him, tasked with keeping him alive and well. The pair travelled towards a local town, named Three Peaks, where Cheese knew a human Scientist visited on regular occasion and who could possibly help Mac survive the Fae Realm. Cheese didn’t expect to be dragged from her home; Mac was taken under the protection of the Humans Organisation and as she was bound to him Cheese had to follow them into the Mundane Side. Cheese lived in the city of London with Mac, the pair slipping in seamlessly with the strange comings and goings of such a large city. She hated it mostly. The city was made of too much metal burning her with the slightest touch. The air tasted stale and dull without magic. How Mac blamed her for his mistakes. How Mac took her from her home. She liked the nights though, when she and Mac would open the doors to the Nightclub they jointly ran (human rules of ownership caused her some confusion) and she got to see the people come alive with energy they lacked during the day. Estel, the scientist who had been stationed at Three Peaks, was sympathetic to Cheese's struggles and during her monthly visits to check up on the pair she would help Cheese explaining the different ins and outs of Human society. Cheese was still frustrated though and angry at the situation she was in and would take this anger out on Mac, who would in turn take his anger out on her, then use her magic to heal them both. It thankfully wasn't long before they slipped up though as Estel took notice of bruises Cheese had overlooked and quickly arranged for therapy for the pair of them. A few months on and Cheese is still angry at the situation she's ion but has several healthier methods by which she can vent this anger. Age: 153 approx. Skills: Cheese possess more abstract magic able to create potions using the colour of someone’s hair or construct charms of good luck with silver and crocodile tears. This includes hiding her wings or even shrinking into a ball of light. She’s also extremely handy with a weapon whether it be a blade or a club, as long as it’s handle is not made out of metal. Personality: Cheese does not understand humans, they irritate her times and she herself often comes across as very aloof or even detached from the world around her. Her temper is just as short as Macs but while her anger is much more violent she’s been learning to vent this anger with words instead. Cheese stubbornly sticks to her ideal and moral compass, but she does have a weakness for ‘games and bets’ same as any other Fairy. Other: Anything made of metal, especially Iron, will burn Cheese on contact. Furthermore, he must follow any and all terms of a bet should she lose. [/hider] [hider World Sheet] Name: Enchanted Globe – Alternate Modern Day Summary of History: What if the beings of Myth and Legend were real? For centuries people have spoken of mythical beings and gods of great power who live just barely a hair breadth away from us and yet entirely unseen. History is riddled with mentions of other worldly beasts and beings from all ages, though you won’t find this information in texts books. Mostly such beings and events they’re tied to go unnoticed or ignored save for members of the online community or those looking for something interesting to talk about. A well talked about event includes the Invasion of Poland in 1939 which, while ultimately the united forces Nazi Germany, the Free City of Danzig, the Soviet Union, and a small Slovak contingent won, many of those in the invading forces reported “Unknown beings of the Super-Natural” working hard to repel them. Later citizens in captured cities and towns explained that they were possibly Rusalka and other such spirits in the areas. Aside from those wishing to talk more about the Fae-Realm and supernatural there are those who wish for it to stay hidden. Working hard to keep the Mundane Side and Fae Realm safe from each other by monitoring any portals that may open, normally this task is undertaken by secret sections of a country’s government though it’s not unheard of for some to ask allies to undertake such responsibilities. With Humanity constantly growing and developing natural land tensions have begun to rise between the two sides of the world as the supernatural inhabitants of the Mundane side are pushed from their homes. These tensions have put a strain on relations especially in more recent years as some Mundane Countries have begun conducting experiments and investigations in the Fae Realm in attempts to understand it and the inhabitants in quantifiable scientific terms. Currently the British Government funded company of the Mundane Understanding Regarding Mythical Underlying Reality (MURMUR) are facing crisis on both sides of the reality divide concerning the abduction of children where Fairy Rings tend to appear. Additionally, operatives and contacts in the Northern Isles are reporting sightings of strange creatures dubbed as ‘Heartless’, reason behind this stems from Mythical beings sensitive to desires of heart report that the creatures posses nothing but brutal desires. So far all attempts to contact these creatures has led to injury and loss of life. Important Nations: Fae Realm – Northern Isles, Eastern Empire, Western Cordelia, Southern Plateau, Atlantic Expanse. Mundane Side – United Kingdom, China, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, United States Overall Technology Level: Modern Day but with a few more apps on the apps store [/hider] [/hider]