[h3]Washington, DC [/h3] [i]July 4, 14:00 EDT[/i] Cameras flashed, as the young heroes all walked alongside their mentors, heading towards the public headquarters of the Justice League, the Hall of Justice. Fans were kept away by a series of velvet ropes on either side of the entrance walkway, as many waved and yelled to try and get the attention of at least one for a decent picture. A sizable amount of people showed up to tour the Hall today, as it was rumoured that they may get a quick glimpse of their favorite heroes. "Speedy! Speedy, over here!" One man yelled out, as he tried to grab Kid Flash's attention. Robin had learned a long time ago to always keep a cool, calm demeanor, no matter how he was feeling on the inside. This was definitely a moment where he put his training in that field to the test. As they walked closer and closer to the Hall, he couldn't help but smile. Seven years of being nothing more than Batman's sidekick, it was satisfactory to know he was finally stepping into the big leagues. One step closer to becoming his own man. Batman noticed Robin's grin, as he rested a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Today's the day." Batman assured him. "This is the first time all five sidekicks have been together in the same place." Robin noted openly. "Don't call us sidekicks. Not after today." Speedy snapped back at him, as the word clearly hit a nerve. The group entered the building, as they were met with seven enormous statues of the seven founding League members. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter. Just under it was an automatic sliding door, that read: 'Authorized Personnel Only'. The door suddenly slid open, as Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado stood just beyond the entryway to greet them. "Robin, Wonder Girl, Zatanna, Kid Flash, Speedy, welcome." Martian Manhunter greeted them, as he gestured them to follow him further into the Hall. "You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked gallery, and of course," The alien paused, as he stepped into the comfy looking room. "Our library." It was a large, open room, with an endless amount of books, records, and dvds all along the walls. There were leather chairs and couches scattered around in the corners, with a few tables here and there, and a single computer, with an enormous screen in the center of the back wall. "Make yourselves at home. Mi casa es su casa." Green Arrow smirked, as he walked with the other League members to another sliding door, just beside the enormous monitor. Robin followed along, as he took a seat on the closest couch to him. He didn't mind waiting for whatever the League had planned, he was already so overwhelmed with what they had already given him. Full access to the League's headquarters? He had never even been inside before! Speedy decided to stay standing, as he folded his arms. Even now, they were treating them like kids. "Quick debrief on the coincidence of five ice villains attacking on the same day, we shouldn't be long." Batman calmly told the sidekicks, as he turned back to the door. A circular camera came down from a hidden compartment from the ceiling, as it scanned each League member with its' eye. "Recognized, Batman, 0-2." It moved on to the next hero, "Wonder Woman, 0-3. Flash, 0-4. Green Arrow, 0-8. Martian Manhunter, 0-7. Red Tornado, 1-6. Zatara, 1-1." Once it had finally finished confirming everyone's identity, Batman began to lead the group into the room ahead, as the sliding door opened up to give them access.