[center][h1][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/48/Fictional_flag_of_Montenegro_with_Tand%C5%BEara-Ka%C5%A1ikara_coat_of_arms.jpg/1280px-Fictional_flag_of_Montenegro_with_Tand%C5%BEara-Ka%C5%A1ikara_coat_of_arms.jpg[/img] [b]EMPIRE OF MILLE SESSAU[/b][/h1][/center] [B]Nation Sheet Template[/b] [B]Name:[/B] [i]Empire of Mille-Sessau[/i] [B]Demonym:[/B] Sessauan [B]Head of State:[/B] Empress Alisandre de Valle (age 71) [B]National Religion:[/b] Mithian Modernism ([i]practical, polytheistic materialism[/i]) [b]Population:[/B] 79,000,000 [B]Description:[/B] [indent]Mille-Sessau stepped into the war's greatest military conflict as easily the most dominant nation in the known world. With over seventy-eight overseas colonies, departments and island holdings, Sessau carved a path through the world from the 16th to the 20th century with [i]armed colonialism[/i]--the literal policy of planting flags in resource rich areas and maintaining order at the point of a bayonet. As nationalism ramped up however, Sessau turned to imperialism, installing viceroys and native governors to sustain her overseas territories. Now, she maintains her far flung empire by the very skin of her teeth, employing the [b]Sessauan Black Army[/b] and the [b]Black Fleet[/b], the latter of which is the largest and most competent--albeit aging--fleet in the world, to keep international trade lanes open. [B]Government:[/B] [indent]A constitutional monarchy is a form of monarchical government established under a constitutional system which acknowledges an elected or hereditary monarch as head of state. Modern constitutional monarchies usually implement the concept of [i]trias politica[/i] or "separation of powers", where the monarch either is the head of the executive branch or simply has a ceremonial role. Where a monarch holds absolute power, it is known as an absolute monarchy. The process of government and law within an absolute monarchy can be very different from that in a constitutional monarchy.[/indent] [B]National Anthem:[/B] [indent][i]A Land of Many, a Land of One[/i][/indent] [B]Economy:[/B][indent](Just describe the major industries and how they are organized.)[/indent] [B]Geography:[/B] [indent][/indent] [B]Demographics[/B][indent]fdgdf[/indent] [B]Notable Locations[/B][indent](An overview of important cities, military bases, political prisons (if any) and World Conclave Historical Landmarks (which is to say, along the lines of the Taj Mahal or the Pyramids at Giza))[/indent] [B]Regime Personalities and Factions[/B][indent](Important people in your country; leaders and the such, people that factor heavily into your RP. At the very least, the leader, your WC delegate and major political parties/factions if one party state.)[/indent] [B]Institutions [/B][indent](Major institutions of the nations, such as legislative bodies, corporations and, most importantly, the military.)[/indent] [B]Military Numbers[/B][indent]Active Duty Component Total: [UNDER CONSTRUCTIONS] Army: [UNDER CONSTRUCTIONS] Navy: [UNDER CONSTRUCTIONS] Air Force: [UNDER CONSTRUCTIONS] Other: [UNDER CONSTRUCTIONS][/indent][/indent]