[hr][hr][center][color=#C9FFC9][h2]Dominik[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][center]Location: Town of Beginnings - The Inn - Bar Interacting With: The True Main Character of SAO [@BlueSky44][/center][hr][hr] At the newcomer's suggestion, Dominik cast a quick glance back to his two comrades. The two were chummily slurring drunken nonsense to one another, and somehow both were just drunk enough to understand one another. Satisfied, Dominik swiped a wide tray heavily laden with beer mugs from a cute tavern wench NPC and lugged it over to the table. [color=#C9FFC9]"Forgive me saying, but it looks like you guys are the ones in need of a bit of hanging out,"[/color] Dominik said as he placed the tray on the center of the table. [color=#C9FFC9]"Have a round on me and unwind a bit. And you, my Celtic friend, you should have two."[/color] Dominik walked around the table to take a seat beside the leader, his face bearing a genuinely friendly smile. [color=#C9FFC9]"So, how about some introductions? My name's Dominik, and my two lit up friends over there are Alissa and Kouichi. The three of us were beta testers."[/color]