[hr][hr][h1][color=8493ca][i][center]Stone[/center][/i][/color][/h1][hr][hr] [center][h3][i][color=8493ca]Tolbana Town[/color][/i][/h3][/center] The thick forests gave way to thin forests, which in turn gave way to the outskirts of Tolbana Town. All the while, Alek remained silent, alert. Though their second fight had ended in victory, it was not without cost; many of his companions were now injured, critically. Alek knew, if another combatant should arise, a few of them wouldn't make it. His partner, Starkette, seemed to have taken the worst damage of anyone, as her health was dangerously low. Alek blamed himself. As an experienced beta, he knew it was he that should have taken the initiative to lower the risk of injury. His thoughts wandered to a world long lost, to the smell of atomized cement and the sound of ancient screams. His mistakes had cost him dearly before. He glanced around at his companions before silently swearing that, on pain of death, it would never happen again. Presently, Alek's company arrived at the edge of Tolbana. The tension in the air seemed to evaporate as they came upon the safe zone. Alek was just relieved that everyone had survived. [i]Well, almost...[/i] His memory was taken back to the one who had died before the battle. She seemed to be fine beforehand; her nervegear must've been unplugged. Adrenaline had controlled him for so long this night that he had almost forgotten. At that moment, he stopped momentarily, wishing her well in whatever afterlife she believed in. It wasn't much, but it was all he could think to do and somehow seemed important. A feeling came to him then, one he had not felt in some time. Was it ...compassion? The thought was interrupted by Starkette's voice. As she said, her reason had yet to fail them. Apart from that, Alek had decided on the same course of action. There would be no benefit in continuing at night. After all, there was never a night or a problem that could defeat the sunrise.