Name: Koriand'r Kory Anderson Age: Fifteen earth years. Gender: Female Hero/Villain name: Starfire Good or Evil?: Good Origin/backstory: Koriand'r was born a warrior princess to the far off planet Tamaran. Tamaran's Princess Koriand'r was the second of three children. Her older sister, Komand'r was the next in the line of succession, but she was crippled by a childhood illness that robbed her of her natural Tamareanian ability to convert ultraviolet light in to flight energy, so she was deemed not worthy to be queen and the succession fell to Koriand'r. When both sisters were sent to train with the legendary Warlords of Okaara, the bitter Komand'r ran off, allying herself with the Citadel. They used Komand'r's information to successfully invade the planet Tamaran. King Myand'r turned Koriand'r over to the Citadel to ensure peace. Koriand'r endured six years of torture until she and Komand'r were both released for experimentation by the Psions. The Psions, who are largely sadistic scientists, performed a deadly experiment on both of the sisters to see just how much energy their Tamaranean bodies could absorb before exploding from the overload. During the procedure, Komand'r's forces attacked the Psion ship to rescue her and while the Psions were distracted, Kory broke free with the starbolts, destructive blasts of solar energy, a result of the experimentation. Against her better judgment, she decided to free Komand'r who was still absorbing energy. However, far from grateful, Komand'r struck her sister down with the same-much stronger- power and had her restrained for later execution. Koriand'r escaped and found her way to Earth. Height: 5'11 Pets: Silkie, a mutated larva. Powers/skills/abilities/weapons: Tamaranean Physiology: Starfire's alien physiology constantly absorbs ultraviolet radiation and converts it to energy. Energy Absorption: She can also absorb the ultraviolet radiation from other life forms. She once used this application of her power to weaken a group of Kryptonians who otherwise require ultraviolet radiation to maintain their superhuman abilities. Flight: Which leaves a distinctive energy contrail behind, looking as if it is coming directly from her hair. Starfire has also been stated to have flown light years through space in short amounts of time. Starbolts: The solar absorption experiments performed on her by the alien Psions granted her the amazing power and ability to channel and project that same energy into destructive blasts called "starbolts". Hyperion described Starbolts as highly concentrated solar energy that possessed incredible power. Starfire also has the power and ability to unleash all her stored energy into a pseudo nova blast. It is suggested to be as hot as the sun itself and so only uses this in dire situations. Superhuman Durability Superhuman Strength Lingustic Assimilation: She is also capable of assimilating other languages through physical contact with another person. Job: Unemployed Mentor: I dunno. :I Home Planet: Tamaran Personality: Kory is an alien and doesn't understand human life. She's very naive and doesn't particularly adhere to Earth's lifestyle. Probably annoying, asks to many questions and still won't understand. Easily impressed and disgusted. Basically does whatever she's told. Weakness: Doesn't understand Earth's ways, to naive. Strengths: She's hot? :I she'll kick you in the face. Looks: [img][/img] Crush/gf/bf/spouse: Nah. Team affiliation: The Team. Family (if important): Komand'r, Blackfire (sister) Ryand'r, Wildfire (brother) Anything you'd like to add?: Nah. Her brother wears a Speedo. Other: I mean, I liked Aqualad.