[b]Deep Below LexCorps[/b] The first thing Koriand'r registered was a low and metallic beeping sound. It echoed around her and hurt her head, but still she didn't wake. Unbeknownst to Koriand'r, a scientist was staring in absolute disbelief. The life form they had recovered was showing signs of brain activity. It was small, as the alien behind the glass was dreaming and could not wake. All this time the scientist had been under the impression she was studying a body kept on life support, not a living monster! She was quick to call her high ranking scientist and it was moments before Dr after Dr filled the large laboratory. Koriand'r twitched, her mind fighting through the sedatives into conciousness. Though awake she could not open her eye and then she began to notice the feeling around her. She was floating, feeling as though she was flying, but the feeling was wet. Discomfort flooded her body when she attempted to breathe in and the two oxygen tubes shoved up her nose shifted. That awoke the slumpering alien, her green eyes shooting open to be met with an assault of light and liquid. She began thrashing, meomeries flashing through her mind uncomfortably, invading her waking moments. Though she managed to call down some, her vibrant eyes staring through rounded glass to the faces of horror and wonder. Anger flooded her mind first, her forehead slamming forward into the glass, nothing but a small crack forming. Muffled voice reached her ears in a language she was unfamiliar with. The scientist had taken a step back themselves, nervous, ready to run should the situation call for it. Her mouth broke apart and an enraged shout attempted to leave her mouth, drowned out by the liquid that surrounded her. Again, Koriand'r slammed into the glass, this time with her fists." I wouldn't worry! Superman himself couldn't break that glass!" One exclaimed, which of course was not true. Again and again the angry Tamaranian slammed the glass, a crack occuring each time until she did break it and spill down to the ground. The tubes in her nose had been ripped out uncomfortably and it left her gasping for air. She glanced up to the scientist while she attempted to catch her breath, their eyes glued to the alien in the ground before them. One took a step forward and Koriand'r raised her arm at him threateningly. She opened her mouth, where am I? She demanded, but he only stated at her with confusion. He hadn't understood her, Koriand'r jammed her fist foreward, in moments, volts of electricity shot up her body and brought a scream to her lips. Her skin left tingling and sore from the shocking, quickly man after man jumped on top of her in an attempt it stop her. Needless to say they were no match for her otherworldly strength and she threw them off easily. Had this been any other day she would've just fried them, but she was terrified and didn't know where she was.