"I'll try my best," Donna chuckled. She wasn't new to Man's World as she started being Diana's partner around the age of thirteen. She knew boy's sometimes asked silly questions. "Many thanks," Donna said in response to Robin's praise, "but I still have much to learn. If anything you should be in the League. You do have more experience than I, Boy [i]Wonder[/i]." "I don't believe this is a 'game'," Donna said to Speedy. "We have been fighting for years and this is the biggest recognition so far. I am sure the League has good plans for us." Donna couldn't, more she wouldn't, believe her sister would treat her like a child. She has helped in many important missions and had saved Wonder Woman's life on multiple occassions. Donna wouldn't believe Wonder Woman, or any of the other Leaguers, would simply treat them like "sidekicks."