"What? The alien has escaped?" Lex Luthor nearly shouted into his phone. "Keep her busy, I'll figure it out," he commanded and slammed the phone down, ending the frantic emergency call. He picked up the phone again and dialed to the main control of Lex Corp. "Yes, I need you to tell everyone there is a fire in the labs. I want minimal distress and panic. If I hear one peep from the media it'll be your head, got that? Good, now begin evacuation." He then turned on his computers to watch both the evacuation and the alien's rampage. "Damn it," he cursed to himself, trying to think of a plan. On the Lex Corp floor, tourists flooded out of the building relatively calmly. A the minor workers also mixed in with the crowd. Luthor nodded in approval then grabbed the phone again. "I have a plan. Get the Genomorphs. Calm her down enough to get her into the "Kr" tanks. When you've done that contact me immediately." "Yes sir!" the scientist said and commanded the Genomorphs. A crowd of a dozen surrounded the rampaging Starfire and their horns grew red. The dozen tried their best to calm her.