Rachel sat at her computer, coffee mug in hand, ready for a day of studying and essay writing fun. Well, after she'd browsed half a dozen websites and played video games for a couple of hours like the responsible adult she was, of course. As her browsing brought her to a certain roleplaying site, she skimmed new threads, with one particular thread drawing her interest. "[i]The Awesomest Crossover in the World[/i]?" She repeated the title, staring at the words on her screen. "Well, either this is going to be extremely dumb or the GM's got a sense of humour..." After a few minutes of pondering options, Rachel decided on a character to use and got to writing a profile. As she posted the sheet, she began to feel dizzy. The last thing she saw before she passed out was her computer's monitor growing. [hr] When she came to, Rachel sat up and took in her surroundings. Were it possible, her jaw would've likely hit the ground. Questions swam through her mind. Was this some kind of medieval town? Was she dreaming? Maybe she passed out and was still at home. What was with all the gold and leather everywhere? And why were there a couple of other people that looked relatively normal among all the weirdness? Figuring that she wasn't going to get any answers just sitting there, the brunette got up, dusted herself off and approached the least intimidating people in the area, the ones whose clothing didn't make them look like they were from another world. "I'd like to know that too." She said, having heard Jimmy's question.