At the mention of an Ouija board, Graham scowled or, at least, scowled more. In all likelihood, he would've ratcheted up the intensity of his glare whatever had been mentioned, but Ouija boards were especially irksome to him. After a lifetime's study of the occult, Graham regarded entry level crutches like the boards, pendants and cards like a racing driver regards cruise control. But having previously snapped at Jack and been treated to such a sickeningly sweet set of puppy eyes that even Graham felt abashed, he contented himself with lighting a cigarette, selecting a mug to use as an ashtray and turning up the sarcasm. "[i]No[/i], Jack, we don't get out an [i]Ouija board[/i]. We don't need one, it's obviously a ghost." Graham smugly tapped ash into the mug (which said World's Biggest Chav on it) and waited for Jack or Bariel to ask him to explain how exactly he knew. Bariel felt a very human desire to roll his eyes at Graham's preening but contented himself with closing them instead. He found that physical sensory input interfered with his being able to sense things on a spiritual level, like background interference or radio static. Instead, he allowed his spirit to relax its grip on his body and gently expand. Almost immediately, it began to press against something else, another unshackled soul. A small, self satisfied grin spread across Bariel's face as he began to commune with the spirit. At first they shared emotion, the spirit sending waves of [i]fear/[b]loneliness[/b]/confusion[/i] while Bariel tried to transmit [i]hope/[b]comfort[/b]/strength back at it.[/i] But as it settled, things became distinctly more human and the spirit passed over information in the form of a cry for help. Opening his eyes, Bariel saw Jack staring wide eyed at him and Graham, of course, glaring. After a second, he realised why; he was floating a couple of inches from the ground. Self consciously, he came back to earth and smoothed down the front of his shirt. Part of being human for him was making sure that he obeyed most of the laws of physics, which had a habit of letting a few things slide for those of a supernatural disposition. Bariel knew that [i]he[/i] would scold him awfully if he found out (or at least fix Bariel with a disappointed, almost supercilious look) but even that didn't dampen the angel's feeling of truimph. He looked at Graham and inclined his head. [b]"You are, of course, right Graham. It is a ghost. His name is James and, if I'm not mistaken, he died violently."[/b] Bariel turned to face Jack, pretending to ignore but in fact guiltily revelling in Graham's affronted expression at being outdone. [b]"And I believe he recognises you, Jack."[/b] Graham grunted. "I know you say you're known to everyone, but I didn't think that included the dead."